Monday, October 7, 2024
HomeComic BooksReview: Search for Hu #2

Review: Search for Hu #2

Search for Hu #2

Well, it looks like a Chinese/Jewish family drama might be one of the most unexpected interesting comics of the year. Aaron has a gun to his head by his cousins and must do what he can to prove he is who he says he is. Search for Hu #2 is a traditional “mob” story in many ways but features a family that’s so unexpected. The story is about a family composed of Russian Jewish refugees who fled to China and married a Chinese family resulting in a twisted tale of two families both in the crime business but split down the middle and at war.

Jon Tsuei and Steve Orlando have crafted an interesting story featuring characters you don’t see often. The Chinese mob being featured in a story isn’t something that necessarily that stands out as surprising. It’s the Russian Jewish immigrant aspect of it that makes it really unique. Seeing Chinese characters reciting Hebrew for the loss of individuals caught me off guard… and it’s awesome! The comic has done an amazing job of taking some little known history and folding it into a familiar concept and story and it has worked really well so far.

Tsuei and Orlando pack a lot in the issue. Not only does Aaron need to prove who he is, he must figure out how to interact with his cousins. Both of whom are a little weary of their newly arrived family member. There’s also a ton of action through which the two writers explore Aaron’s past in the military. Not only does that add some depth to the character it more importantly helps explain why he’s able to do what he does. It shows the training he’s received through the trauma he’s experienced.

The art by Rubine is solid. With color by DC Alonso and lettering by Carlos M. Mangual, the comic continues its solid style that fits perfectly in a mob drama. There characters are all full of personality with their look. But, it’s the body language that really stands out as the position in certain moments and look on a face tell far more than dialogue ever could.

At its core, Search for Hu #2 is a mob story. It’s really that simple. But, it’s the details that make it really stand out. Not only are the characters interesting and engaging but the motivation of waring family is even unique. For those that enjoy a more action filled mob family drama, this is one to definitely check out.

Story: Jon Tsuei, Steve Orlando Art: Rubine
Color: DC Alonso Letterer: Carlos M. Mangual
Story: 8.0 Art: 8.0 Overall: 8.0 Recommendation: Buy

AfterShock provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: comiXologyKindleZeus Comics

Source: Graphic Policy

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