Exclusive Preview: Justin Jordan and Chris Shehan’s relentless revenge-horror odyssey through Appalachia ups the ante in Mine is a Long Lonesome Grave #3
Heroes and villains unite against Emperor Doom in One World Under Doom #3
VR Troopers return to comics this June
Spring showers bring hijinx in ARCHIE DIGEST #359!
Preview: Dopeman Vol. 1
You can now read an excerpt from the new Pokémon: Scarlet & Violet manga, which is available now where new books are sold
Preview: Kinryo Rock Vol. 0: Moonage Daydream
Sanho’s popular manhwa webcomic Purgatory Funeral Cakes is available in English for the first time
Video: Watch the official Behind the Scenes Special for Road to Worlds Pokémon Video Game Championships starring Rachel Seltzer, Wolfe Glick, Rosemary Kelley, Lou...
New Pokémon Soda Pop Plush and Botanical Spring Plush now available at the Pokémon Center featuring Pikachu, Wigglytuff, Espeon, Alolan Vulpix, Politoed, Piplup, Bidoof,...
New Shining Revelry expansion will be added to Pokémon TCG Pocket on March 26 featuring over 110 cards including Shiny Pokémon cards such as...
Video: Check out the first trailer and official poster for the new Pokémon Horizons Mega Voltage anime saga, which takes place one year after...
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New Furry Friends Plush for Fidough, Growlithe, Lillipup, Rockruff and Yamper are available now from the official Pokémon Center
Shiny Mega Gengar, Shiny Mega Rayquaza, Mega Blastoise, Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Rayquaza available now as plush...
Boss Fight Studios: Saurozoic Warriors Sokudo Legion Review
Video: Ash, Pikachu and friends call on their Pokémon and the power of Mega Evolution to help save the world in this official clip...
Video: Liko and Floragato begin their first Tera Training match against the Cortondo Gym Leader Katy in Pokémon Horizons Season 2