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HomeNewsNYC Toy Fair News 2025: The Op Previews Three Hobby Games

NYC Toy Fair News 2025: The Op Previews Three Hobby Games

The Op Games previewed three new games at NYC Toy Fair, which will be coming to retail in the latter half of 2025.

The first game announced was 10 Days in the National Parks by Alan R. Moon and Aaron Weissblum. This game is an extension of the 10 Days line that started with 10 Days in the USA (see “’10 Days in Asia’“), which was originally published in 2003 and then republished in 2024 by The Op. The goal of the game is to visit as many National Parks as possible in 10 days. It is for two to four players, ages 10 and up, and plays in 30 minutes. This game will retail for $29.99.

The Op will also release Tea Witches, a game by the designers of Flamecraft (see “‘Flamecraft’“). In this game, players take on the roles of tea vendors that must serve lines of witches to gain their loyalty. The game last four rounds as players try to collect ingredients and sell their wares at the Teaquinox Faire. It is for two to four players, ages 12 and up; plays in 60 minutes and will retail for $59.99. This game will release at Gen Con 2025.

The third game previewed by The Op was Fountains. In this game, players construct different fountains out of various tile pieces. The goal of the game is to score points as the players build their fountains upwards and outwards. This game is for two to five players, ages 8 and up.

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Source: ICv2

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