The official remakes of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl, are now available for Nintendo Switch. Read on below to learn more:
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl are faithful remakes of the Pokémon Diamond Version and Pokémon Pearl Version games, bringing Trainers back to the Sinnoh region, where they will meet Professor Rowan, battle against Team Galactic, and explore the Grand Underground. For those setting out through Sinnoh for the first time, plenty of new encounters and surprises await.
Night-time in Canalave City – mentally, we’re there. 😌🎵 #pokemon #shorts #pokemondiamondandpearl
Who else always felt creeped out in Mount Coronet. 😩 #pokemon #shorts #pokemondiamondandpearl
Jubilife City at night. 🎵👌 #pokemon #shorts #pokemondiamondandpearl #sinnoh
Anyone else instantly feel sleepy walking around Eterna City?
Source: The Pokémon Company and Nintendo
Source: Pokemon