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HomeComic BooksBoom! StudiosI Heart Skull-Crusher #3 Has Plenty of Octane Sports Drama

I Heart Skull-Crusher #3 Has Plenty of Octane Sports Drama

I Heart Skull-Crusher #3

Trini Wastelander has found enough players to form a screaming pain ball team; now they have to learn to act like one. As Coach Blood trains them for their first actual game, the outsiders must work together to beat the more prosperous and experienced teams to advance to the top. With some unconventional training methods, Trini and the others will need to work together to win their upcoming game and survive their training. Josie Campbell and Alessio Zonno offer plenty of sporting action, friendship, and a mutant-bear man in I Heart Skull-Crusher #3.

Campbell develops a more robust team dynamic by exploring interpersonal dynamics. Outside of Trini’s overall goal to meet Skull-Crusher, the issue’s focus on the team learning to work together creates plenty of problems and showcases Trini learning what it means to work as a team and not only on her own.  If Trini wants the team to succeed, then she needs to help them find commonality and a shared goal as to why they want to achieve. Even if Trini is the main focus, each team member has a character arc in the issue, especially Coach Blood-Bone, who demonstrates his care for this rag-tag group. Campbell shows that it’s never too late for us to change and to become better, which is in no large part due to the teammates and friends we surround ourselves with. 

Campbell also highlights the differences between Trini’s screaming pain ball team and the others based on their selfless nature compared to the other teams’ selfishness. It does not matter how talented you are; you cannot go far alone, but you need help and support from your friends. While the other teams may be as gifted, they have motivations different from those of Trini and her teammates. Similarly, I like how each of her team members has the necessary abilities and skills to beat the other teams, but it only works when they do it as a team. It’s quite satisfying seeing them overcoming challenges and becoming closer personally at the end of the issue. 

Zonno’s punk and energetic art style matches Campbell’s character-focused solid writing. Matching the hi-octane sports action with the over-the-top emotional aspects, he makes all these elements work seamlessly. Paired with colorist Angel De Santiago and letterer Jim Campbell, they all make a one-of-a-kind apocalyptic wasteland filled with exciting characters and even more action-packed sports. 

Campbell and Zonno continue the exciting momentum and drama in I Heart Skull-Crusher #3 has Trini and friends slowly become an actual team. In their unique apocalyptic series, Campbell and Zonno make a winning combination of heart, sports, and humor. I Heart Skull-Crusher #3 balances the horror, danger, and fun in the wasteland. The only way to survive is to learn to work as a team and overcome the challenges together.

Story: Josie Campbell Art: Alessio Zonno
Color: Angel De Santiago Letterer: Jim Campbell
Story: 8.7 Art: 8.9 Overall: 8.8 Recommendation: Read

BOOM! Studios provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicsKindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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