Dark Horse Comics Orders A Second Printing Featuring Line Art by Evely
The debut issue of Tom King, Bilquis Evely, Matheus Lopes and Clayton Cowles’ Helen of Wyndhorn #1, featuring a main cover by Evely, has sold out at the distributor level and is quickly disappearing from store shelves. Dark Horse ComIics has announced a second printing featuring a black and white variant of Evely’s cover, showcasing the depth of detail and fantasy in her artwork on this acclaimed series.
The series introduces us to Helen Cole, following the tragic death of her late father C.K. Cole, the esteemed pulp writer and creator of the popular warrior character Othan. Helen is called back to her Grandfather’s enormous and illustrious estate: Wyndhorn House.
“This is the kind of book that lives by word of mouth and hand sales. Seeing it sold out means a ton of comic store workers and fans worked hard to spread the word. I’m forever grateful.” said Tom King.
“After working on this book for so long in complete silence, receiving so much enthusiasm from store owners and readers is like a warm embrace,” said Evely. “And I couldn’t even conceive all this love yet! Thank you, everyone.”
The second printing of Helen of Wyndhorn #1 with Black and White variant cover will be available in stores on May 1, 2024. Details for comic book retailers on how to order the second printing will be available separately. Readers can let their local comic book shop know they’d like to order this variant cover to ensure they receive a copy before they are gone.
Helen of Wyndhorn #1 is out now in comic shops, featuring colors by Matheus Lopes and letters by Clayton Cowles, with covers by Evely and Lopes, Tula Lotay, Elsa Charretier, Massimo Carnevale, Clay Mann, and Greg Smallwood.
Don’t miss out on this brilliant new series–be sure to pre-order your copy of Helen of Wyndhorn #2 now with your local comic book shop. Issue #2 arrives on April 17, 2024 for $4.99. Be sure to follow DarkHorseComics on social media and check our website, www.darkhorse.com for more news, announcements, and updates.
Praise for Helen of Wyndhorn:
Their new GORGEOUS collaboration swells with mystery, heartbreak & adventure. 10/10.”—Comic Book Couples Counseling
“The fact is that this issue feels like a powder keg in many ways, with a lit match hovering just out of frame at all times. I’ll do my best to explain why this issue captured my imagination without getting into spoiler territory.”—AIPT
“This book is SPECTACULAR, it might be my favorite @TomKingTK book and the art is just impossibly great.”—Gail Simone
Source: Dark Horse