VIZ Media will add to its catalog of Star Wars manga with the release of Star Wars: Visions, an anthology based on the Disney+ animated series of the same name. The anthology will include adaptations of “The Elder,” “Lop and Ochō,” “The Ninth Jedi,” and “The Twins,” by Kamome Shirahama (Witch Hat Atelier), Haruichi (Star Wars: Leia, Princess of Alderaan), Yusuke Osawa (Spider-Man: Fake Red), and Keisuke Sato (Little Witch Academia). The 232-page paperback will be released on May 7, 2024, with an MSRP of $14.99.
Unveiled at Anime Expo in 2021, Star Wars: Visions is a collection of standalone anime episodes set in the Star Wars universe (see “‘Star Wars: Visions’”) that streams on Disney+. The series has already spun off several projects including an art book (see “‘The Art of Star Wars: Visions’”) and a series of Marvel one-shots (see “Preview: ‘Star Wars: Visions – Peach Momoko’ #1”).
Osawa’s Spider-Man: Fake Red one-shot manga was in the BookScan Top 20 Adult Graphic Novel list for three months in a row (see “August 2023 Circana BookScan”).
Source: ICv2