Based on the Danganronpa video game and anime franchise, Danganronpa 2: Chiaki Nanami’s Goodbye Despair Quest returns Starring fan-favorite character Chiaki Nanami!
The ill-faited school of murder, mystery and procedural psychological drama returns to Dark Horse Manga. Writer and artist Karin Suzuragi(Higurashi When They Cry, Isekai Cheat Magician, Ao Oni) takes up the sometimes violent, always exciting story of Hope’s Peak High’s most dangerous game. Based on Spike Chunsoft’s blockbuster Danganronpa game series and anime, Danganronpa 2: Chiaki Nanami’s Goodbye Despair Quest is ready to win a spot in your library… by any means necessary!
The rules are simple: to escape, you must not only kill a fellow student, but get away with it, as the survivors will then cross-examine each other in a class courtroom. If they vote the wrong person guilty, the killer goes free…and the rest of them die! With no margin for error and the stakes so high, the Ultimate Gamer will need to use all her playing skill to suss out the secrets of Jabberwock Island and find the “true ending” for Nanami and her friends…survival and escape!
Danganronpa 2: Chiaki Nanami’s Goodbye Despair Quest Volume #1 (of 3) goes on sale March 26, 2024 in bookstores and March 27, 2024 in comic shops, and is available for preorder on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and at your local comic shop and book store. This 192-page volume retails for $13.99.
Source: Dark Horse