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HomeGamesThe Travellers Guide to Prymordia RPG Setting Guide Up On Kickstarter

The Travellers Guide to Prymordia RPG Setting Guide Up On Kickstarter

August 02, 2021 by Polar_Bear

Tired of all the regular RPG settings? Want something a little different for your players to explore around in? Then you’ll want to check out the The Travellers Guide to Prymordia Kickstarter. This setting guide is system-neutral, so no matter what rules set you’re using, you can add it on in.

From the campaign:

Within these pages you will find overviews of the various regions of Prymordia, and information on its locations, people and creatures to enrich an established roleplaying game or as a gateway to new stories and adventures of your own in the ever growing setting of Prymordia.

  • Details of the various races that can be found within the Nightfall Empire and beyond.
  • A compendium of creatures great and small, descriptions of their habits and their place in the ecosystem.
  • Towns, cities, landmarks and oddities (constructed, natural and unnatural) for all your sight-seeing and exploration needs.
  • Maps! Battle maps & region maps (powered by DungeonFog)!

The campaign’s halfway to its goal with 53 days left to go. Yeah, you’ve got some time to save up your nickels for this one.


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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