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HomeNewsMaster League and Scroll Cup: Great League Edition with 4× Stardust from...

Master League and Scroll Cup: Great League Edition with 4× Stardust from win rewards now running as part of GO Battle League: Might and Mastery in Pokémon GO until March 25 at 1 p.m. PST

Niantic has detailed GO Battle League: Dual Destiny for Pokémon GO. Read on below to learn more:

GO Battle League: Might and Mastery Update

GO Battle League: Might and Mastery Update


GO Battle League: Might and Mastery is almost here!

GO Battle League: Might and Mastery

GO Battle League: Might and Mastery will start on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. PST (GMT −8).

The following will occur at the beginning of the Season.

  • End-of-Season rewards will be available on the Battle screen.
  • Your GO Battle League rank will be reset.
  • Rank-up requirements will remain the same as the prior Season.

GO Battle League: Might and Mastery Schedule

The following leagues will begin and end at 1:00 p.m. PST (GMT −8) on the dates listed below.March 4 – March 11

Great League

Willpower Cup: Great League EditionMarch 11 – March 18

Ultra League

Scroll Cup: Great League EditionMarch 18 – March 25

Master League*

Scroll Cup: Great League Edition*

*4× Stardust from win rewards (this does not include end-of-set rewards)March 25 – April 1

Great League*

Ultra League*

Master League*

*4× Stardust from win rewards (this does not include end-of-set rewards)April 1 – April 8

Great League

Master PremierApril 8 – April 15

Ultra League

Spring Cup: Great League EditionApril 15 – April 22

Master League*

Spring Cup: Great League Edition*

*4× Stardust from win rewards (this does not include end-of-set rewards)April 22 – April 29

Great League*

Ultra League*

Master League*

*4× Stardust from win rewards (this does not include end-of-set rewards)April 29 – May 6

Great League

Great League RemixMay 6 – May 13

Ultra League

Great League RemixMay 13 – May 20

Master League*

Retro Cup: Great League Edition*

*4× Stardust from win rewards (this does not include end-of-set rewards)May 20 – May 27

Great League*

Catch Cup: Great League Edition*

*4× Stardust from win rewards (this does not include end-of-set rewards)May 27 – June 3

Great League*

Ultra League*

Master League*

*4× Stardust from win rewards (this does not include end-of-set rewards)

Might and Mastery GO Battle League Events

GO Battle Week: Might and Mastery

Wednesday, May 21, at 12:00 a.m. to Tuesday, May 27, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. local time


  • 4× Stardust from win rewards. (This does not include end-of-set rewards.)
  • The maximum number of sets you can play per day will increase from five to 20—for a total of 100 battles—from 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. local time.
  • Free battle-themed Timed Research will be available. Rewards include a hat for your avatar inspired by Mustard.
  • Pokémon encountered via GO Battle League rewards will have a wider variance of Attack, Defense, and HP.

GO Battle League: Might and Mastery Rewards

Image of 1x Guaranteed Encounter IconGuaranteed Rank-Up Encounters

You can encounter the following Pokémon once per Season at the designated ranks.






Pikachu Libre - Legend - Shiny Icon On

Pikachu Libre

If you’re lucky, you may encounter a Shiny one!

Ace Rank

Veteran Rank

Expert Rank

Legend Rank

Image of Wild Encounter IconStandard Encounters

You can encounter the following Pokémon in reward encounters throughout the Season at the ranks shown below.


Paldean Wooper










Alolan Marowak



Active Raid Boss in five-star raids




If you’re lucky, you may encounter a Shiny one!

The Pokémon or Ultra Beasts currently appearing in five-star raids can appear as a reward encounter after you reach rank 20.

GO Battle League Timed Research Pass

For our most dedicated battlers, a pass to access battle-themed Timed Research will be available in the in-game shop at no cost once GO Battle League: Might and Mastery begins.

This Timed Research will keep track of your victories throughout the Season. Each research page will require 100 wins to complete, and doing so will award Stardust and items such as Rare Candy XL, an Elite Fast TM (at 400 wins), and an Elite Charged TM (at 500 wins). Keep at it throughout the Season to see how far you can get!

Avatar Items and Other Rewards

Trainers will be able to earn the following avatar items, which are all inspired by Mustard, the Dojo Master from the Isle of Armor, an island of the Galar region in the Pokémon Sword Expansion Pass and Pokémon Shield Expansion Pass!

  • At Ace rank, you’ll receive a hat inspired by Mustard.
  • At Veteran rank, you’ll receive pants inspired by Mustard.
  • At Expert rank, you’ll receive a top inspired by Mustard.
  • At Legend rank, you’ll receive a pose inspired by Mustard.


You can look forward to the following cups this Season.

Willpower Cup: Great League Edition

  • Pokémon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter.
  • Only Fighting-, Psychic-, and Dark-type Pokémon will be eligible.

The following Pokémon will not be allowed.


Scroll Cup: Great League Edition

  • Pokémon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter.
  • Only Water-, Fighting-, and Dark-type Pokémon will be eligible.

The following Pokémon will not be allowed.


Master Premier

  • No CP limit.
  • Legendary Pokémon, Mythical Pokémon, and Ultra Beasts are not eligible.

Spring Cup: Great League Edition

  • Pokémon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter.
  • Only Water-, Grass-, and Fairy-type Pokémon are eligible.

The following Pokémon will not be allowed.




Great League Remix

  • Pokémon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter.
  • The 20 Pokémon that are most used by Trainers ranked Ace and above in the Great League are not eligible in the Great League Remix.

Check back later for more details.

Retro Cup: Great League Edition

  • Pokémon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter.
  • Dark-, Steel-, and Fairy-type Pokémon are not eligible.

Catch Cup: Might and Mastery: Great Edition

  • Pokémon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter.
  • Only Pokémon caught during the Might and Mastery Season are eligible.*

*Pokémon must be caught between March 4, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. and June 3, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. local time.

Updates to the Combat System

The switch timer in the GO Battle League will continue to be 50 seconds. This change will also continue to affect Trainer Battles against friends, Team GO Rocket battles, and team leader battles.

  • Energy cost decreased

  • Trainer Battles: 110 → 90 power
  • Energy cost decreased

  • Trainer Battles: 45 → 70 power
  • Energy cost decreased

  • Energy cost decreased

  • Trainer Battles: 50 → 70 power

  • Trainer Battles: 6 → 7 power
  • Energy generation increased

  • Energy cost decreased

Air Cutter

  • Trainer Battles: 60 → 45 power
  • Energy cost decreased
  • Chance to increase the user’s Attack by one stage

Rock Tomb

  • Trainer Battles: 70 → 80 power
  • Energy cost decreased
  • Guaranteed to lower the opposing Pokémon’s Attack by one stage


  • Trainer Battles: 8 → 7 power

Night Shade

  • Trainer Battles: 80 → 70 power

Foul Play

  • Trainer Battles: 70 → 60 power
  • Energy cost decreased


  • Trainer Battles: 65 → 55 power
  • Energy cost decreased

Attack Availability Updates


Piloswine will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Icicle Spear.


Mamoswine will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Icicle Spear.


Togetic will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Psyshock.


Togekiss will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Psyshock.


Reuniclus will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Psyshock.


Bruxish will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Psyshock.


Venomoth will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Psywave.


Lapras will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Psywave.


Grumpig will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Psywave.


Furret will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Swift.


Linoone will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Swift.


Drampa will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Swift.


Grumpig will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Dynamic Punch.


Dusknoir will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Dynamic Punch.


Lapras will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Sparkling Aria.


Sableye will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Dazzling Gleam.


Ribombee will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Charm.


Blastoise will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Rollout.


Weezing will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Rollout.


Wailmer will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Rollout.


Wailord will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Rollout.


Glalie will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Rollout.


Cradily will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Rock Tomb.


Bombirdier will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Rock Tomb.


Swampert will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Sludge.


Swalot will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Sludge.


Dragalge will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Sludge Bomb.


Roserade will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Poison Sting.


Furret will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.


Linoone will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.


Florges will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.


Mightyena will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Sucker Punch.


Bellibolt will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Sucker Punch.


Bombirdier will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Sucker Punch.

Please be aware of your surroundings and follow guidelines from local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO. Upcoming events are subject to change. Be sure to follow us on social media, opt in to receiving push notifications, and subscribe to our emails to stay updated.

—The Pokémon GO team

Source: Official Pokémon GO blog

Source: Pokemon

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