Bad Crow Games revealed Avatar: Journey of Aang, a new board game, which will release in 2025.
In Avatar: Journey of Aang, players assume roles of Aang’s companions as they guide him on a quest to restore balance to the world. They will help Aang master the four elements by adding cards to his practice tableau so that he can learn new techniques, confront dangerous adversaries, and use the environment to their full advantage. The group is in a race against time, as Sozin’s Comet draws near, and they need to confront Ozai before he can gain full power.
This game is for one to four players, ages 8 and up, and plays in 30 to 60 minutes.
Bad Crow Games also recently released Company of Heroes 2E, a new board game core set (see “‘Company of Heroes 2E’ to Retail“).
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Source: ICv2