For this edition of FanArt Friday, Pokémon Blog is honored to feature the mind-blowing art of PeeweeGraphix. He also participated in the fourth and fifth generations of Pokédex Ilustrada, the extraordinary project organized by the dream team of Ilustradoras Unidas.
“For me, art has always been a method of expression from an early age. Although I started by just creating, over time, I understood its usefulness in sharing my ideas or communicating a concept through art,” he told the Pokémon Blog Team. “Basically, it has become the best way to bring out what’s in my mind and the driving force that makes my overflowing creativity visible.”
From a very young age, Pokémon has been an influence and a kind of imaginative realm that allowed our featured artist to grow up surrounded by colors, shapes, and situations.
“Pokémon allows you to have fun in any way you want, whether by collecting cards, playing the games, or watching the anime series,” he shared. “It’s a visual gold mine and has clearly been an influence on me both as a person and as a professional. I was a kid when the Pokémon boom started in my country, and I was surrounded by so much franchise-related content that I could hardly believe it at the time. I used to play cards at school and marveled at the illustrations they featured. Regardless of the card’s usefulness, it always had something appealing to offer. The same thing happened with the anime series, which I watched with my friends, or with assembling a TCG album. Undoubtedly, Pokémon has been a very valuable part of my life, and I’ve made an effort to keep that feeling alive to this day.”
Making Pokémon-related art is a trip down memory lane for Peeweegraphix, allowing him to vividly recall the times he was surrounded by the franchise’s visual culture.
“It was inspiring at the time when I was dedicating myself to making my drawings, and over the years, there were elements from it that I wanted to keep safe in my mind. Now, those elements are coming out involuntarily in my works. The fact that Pokémon has been an important part of my inspiration and that I still use it today is priceless, and it will continue to be a significant factor in my drawings and color,” he explained.
His favorite Pokémon is none other than Porygon: “As boring as he may seem (and considering the unfair toll his reputation has suffered), I find his simple design, color palette, and ability to adapt very interesting.”
Remember you can follow the talented PeeweeGraphix on his Social Media Accounts:
Let’s take a look at an astounding illustration of PeeweeGraphix‘s favorite Pokémon below:
Source: Pokemon