The Shin Megami Tensei franchise has expanded into the world of tabletop gaming with the release of Shin Megami Tensei – The Roleplaying Game: Tokyo Conception. LionWing Publishing, in partnership with ATLUS, has launched a professionally localized digital edition of the game, with pre-orders now open for an upcoming physical release. Fans who pre-order the physical edition will receive immediate access to the digital version.
This adaptation captures the core elements of the iconic video game series, immersing players in the world of Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne. The game offers familiar elements such as spells, demons, and the unique Vortex World setting. It introduces tabletop roleplaying mechanics while preserving key aspects of the series, including demon negotiation and the Affinity system.
Designed for groups of 3-5 players and a Game Master, Tokyo Conception recreates regions and lore from the original video games with a focus on detailed world-building. Players can engage in dynamic gameplay featuring character progression and faction dynamics while facing the moral and strategic decisions that have defined the franchise.
Source: Tabletop Gaming News