Pokémon Sleep: is continuing to add new content and updates on a regular basis. Read on below to learn more:

Thank you for playing Pokémon Sleep!
World-famous artist Dua Lipa and Pokémon Sleep have come together for a collab video featuring “Illusion” from Dua Lipa’s latest album, Radical Optimism!
Just like Pokémon, we all have different sleep styles. We hope you can find your own unique sleep style, too!
Dua Lipa × Pokémon Sleep | Discover your sleep style!
It’s no illusion, your dreams really did just come true! 🤩 World-famous artist Dua Lipa and Pokémon Sleep have come together for a collab video featuring “Illusion” from Dua Lipa’s latest album, Radical Optimism!
Just like Pokémon, humans have a medley of unique sleep styles.
Do you vibe with Energetic Sleep, like Eevee?
Or do you trend toward a Gengar-like Mischievous Sleep?
Discover your sleep style tonight!
【公式】 Dua Lipa × 『Pokémon Sleep』- Discover Your Sleep Style
Discover Your Sleep Style!
世界的に人気のアーティスト、Dua Lipaと『Pokémon Sleep』がコラボ!
Dua Lipaの最新アルバム「Radical Optimism」からのヒット曲「Illusion」に乗せて、まるで夢のような映像をお届け!
『Pokémon Sleep(ポケモンスリープ)』はスマートフォンで好評配信中!
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Just like Pokémon, humans have a medley of unique sleep styles. What’s yours?
【公式】 Dua Lipa × 『Pokémon Sleep』- Discover Your Sleep Style
Source: Official Pokémon Sleep news and Dua Lipa
Source: Pokemon