Read on below to learn more about Pokémon Sleep maintenance:

Thank you for playing Pokémon Sleep!
To update to the app’s new version, maintenance will be conducted in the following time period.
Maintenance Period
Starts: 2024/09/30 23:30
Ends: 2024/10/01 04:00
Please note the time period for this maintenance is different from previous ones. Future maintenance to update the app’s versions is also planned to occur in the above time frame.
New Features
■ Addition of a new area, the Old Gold Power Plant
The Old Gold Power Plant can be unlocked after 3:00 p.m. on October 2, 2024, by completing the Dex goal of registering 340 sleep styles.
■ Addition of two new Sleep Style Dex goals
Note: The Dex goals will be added at 3:00 p.m. on October 2, 2024.
■ Preparation for the Old Gold Power Plant Debut event
Please see the event news for more details.
■ Addition of a new ingredient, Rousing Coffee
■ Addition of six new recipes
Game Contents
■ Adjustments to make it possible to use multiple Ingredient Tickets
You’ll be able to use multiple Ingredient Tickets at once from your bag’s items pocket.
■ Adjustments that make the Back button take you directly back to the home screen when pressed and held
This only applies to screens with a Back button on the lower left.
■ Some text adjusted or unified
■ Other small bug fixes and adjustments
Source: Official Pokémon Sleep news
Source: Pokemon