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Video: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate director Masahiro Sakurai discusses some of the myriad special effects used in games

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate director Masahiro Sakurai has started a new YouTube channel called “Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games.” Check out the latest batch of uploaded content via the embedded video below:

H: Effects 1 (Category Compilation) #01~#06

In Category H: Effects, I discuss some of the myriad special effects used in games. These are the kinds of visuals whose true value can be seen when in motion.

0:00 Opening
0:12 H-1 Make It “Pop”
2:41 H-2 Let Your Characters Shine
4:50 H-3 Flash, Blast, and Smoke
8:11 H-4 Visual Effects in Slow Motion
19:42 H-5 Screen Shake
23:19 H-6 Hit Marks

[Playlist H: Effects]
• [H: Effects]

Rotation on Two Axes [Animation]

Rotation is a simple form of movement!
However, that simplicity means we have to be careful that things don’t end up looking too mechanical.
By the way, this is the final video in the Animation category!

Be Mindful of the Time Players are Giving You [Planning & Game Design]

I know my games have taken a lot of precious time from my players…and I’m sorry for that!
By the way, this is the final video in the Planning & Game Design category! We made it all the way to 30 episodes.

Never Get Into Fights [Work Ethic]

Don’t fight with your teammates!
Don’t hold grudges!
Don’t make people upset!
At least, not when you don’t have to.
You never know when these things might come back to haunt you.

Elementary School Play Testers [Team Management]

A long time ago at HAL Laboratory, we used to bring in team members’ children and their friends to play test our games.
It’s much harder to set this kind of thing up nowadays, but we got some great results out of it…!

G: Animation 1 (Category Compilation) #01~#09

In Category G: Animation, I share some of the tricks we use to animate characters and other elements in video games.

0:00 Opening
0:12 G-1 Assigning Animations
4:47 G-2 Too Much is Just Right
7:41 G-3 Breaking Down Attack Animations
11:13 G-4 Making Lead-ins Instant and Impactful
13:37 G-5 Attack Poses
16:35 G-6 Follow-Throughs Make the Impact
20:51 G-7 Exaggerate to Make Up for Information Loss
23:16 G-8 Posing Suggestions
26:22 G-9 Squashing and Scaling

Amplify Both Strengths and Weaknesses [Game Essence]

In today’s Game Essence video, I’ll be discussing a way characters often end up getting balanced: by rounding off both strengths and weaknesses.
While that process certainly can resolve issues, it’s hard to say it makes a game more fun…

Speedy Screen Transitions [Design Specifics]

It may not seem like much is happening during screen transitions, but there’s a lot of loading taking place behind the scenes.
Still, you should try to keep them as short as possible!

The Limitations of Particle Effects [Effects]

Particles are a type of effect which scatter outward in large quantities. You’ll often want to display lots of these particles, but that can be easier said than done.
By the way, this is the final video in the Effects category!

Establishing Characters Through Their Design [Graphics]

A well-established character will have a well-established silhouette.
While colors, accessories, and other stylistic choices can be important, try switching to black-and-white to make sure the design feels just how you want it to.

Being Kind to Beginners [Planning & Game Design]

When playing games with other people, I make it a point to be as kind as possible to beginner-level players. Some say it’s impolite to hold back, but that’s just not true!

Some rumors have suggested that Super Smash Bros. was created as a result of the story I discuss in this episode, but I can confirm that’s not the case. This experience had no influence on the concept behind Smash Bros.

Turning Anything Into a Competitive Game [Grab Bag]

As you might recall from my Retro Game Master crossover, two people can compete by playing the same game at the same time. This versatile method lets you turn any kind of game into a competitive one.

[Special Crossover!]

Making Things Clear, Even Without Words [UI]

Let’s discuss UI. Whenever possible, it’s best to make your menus understandable even without the use of words.
In today’s video, I’ll be sharing some tips that will help you get a bit closer to this ideal.

About This Channel

Join me as I kick off my new channel, “Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games,” with an overview of the kinds of things I’ll be talking about.
Why am I making a channel, exactly?
You’ll find out in this video.

Source: Masahiro Sakurai

Source: Pokemon

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