The Pokémon Company International has revealed new info about Pokémon Horizons: The Series. Read on below to learn more:
Liko, Roy, and the Rising Volt Tacklers continue their pursuit of the black Rayquaza.
The Rising Volt Tacklers are on the move in Part 3 of Pokémon Horizons: The Series, now available on Netflix. In the new episodes, Liko has finally learned the identity of the pendant Pokémon—it’s Terapagos, the Tera Pokémon. But the Explorers soon go on the offensive. As the Rising Volt Tacklers try to learn more about the Ancient Poké Balls, Liko and Roy continue training to get stronger, and the Brave Olivine gains new residents. When a rumor leads the crew to another of the Six Heroes, the black Rayquaza isn’t far behind. Will the Rising Volt Tacklers stay ahead of the Explorers? Watch Part 3 on Netflix to find out!
Not sure how well you remember Part 2 of Pokémon Horizons: The Series? Test yourself with this Pokémon Horizons: The Series Part 2 quiz before watching Part 3 on Netflix.
After learning more about Terapagos, Liko, Roy, and the Rising Volt Tacklers feel like the black Rayquaza must be close. But can they find it and the remaining Six Heroes, all while avoiding the Explorers?
Join our heroes as they continue their exciting journey in new episodes of Pokémon Horizons, now playing on Netflix: https://pkmn.news/WatchHorizons
Source: The Pokémon Company and Pokemon.com
Source: Pokemon