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HomeNewsHorror Week 2024 News: 'Boxtop Pinball: Haunted House' Incoming

Horror Week 2024 News: ‘Boxtop Pinball: Haunted House’ Incoming

Pandasaurus Games will release Boxtop Pinball: Haunted House, a new tabletop pinball game, into retail in October 2024.

In this game, designed by Zach Connelly and Alex Cutler, players will flick and roll their way through a game of haunted house pinball. They will flick dice from a launch pad onto the Pinball Machine board in order to take down monsters, uncover hidden clues, and dodge trap doors. Points are at the end of the round for each die remaining on the board, and can gain various bonuses to actions they take on their turn and shots they make. The player with the most points after the third round wins the game.  

Boxtop Pinball: Haunted House is for one to four players, ages 8 and up, and plays in 15 minutes. It will retail for $24.95.

Pandasaurus Games will also release a new edition of Finca, a classic board game, into retail (see “‘Finca’ Heads to Retail“).

Source: ICv2

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