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HomeComic BooksChris Campana, Tony Harris, Jeph Loeb, Ron Marz, Brandon Peterson, and Lee...

Chris Campana, Tony Harris, Jeph Loeb, Ron Marz, Brandon Peterson, and Lee Weeks are coming to Baltimore Comic-Con 2024

This year is the 25th anniversary of the Baltimore Comic-Con. Head to the Inner Harbor’s Baltimore Convention Center on September 20-22, 2024 to celebrate! Baltimore Comic-Con has announced comics guests Chris Campana, Tony Harris, Jeph Loeb, Ron Marz, Brandon Peterson, and Lee Weeks to the 25th Anniversary event! See our website for information about ticketing, other announced guests, cosplay events, and more!

Fan favorite, Chris Campana has been working in comics and the art industry for over 20 years. A multi-Ringo Award nominee (Best Original Graphic Novel, Best Artist or Penciller) for his work on the indie comic hit The Adventures of Parker Reef, Chris has also worked on GI JoeTMNTSpawnDeath DealerRogue SunRed SonjaLady Death, Vampirella, PathfinderTellos, a multitude of indie titles.

Tony Harris is a comic book artist. He is also a commercial illustrator, painter, sculptor, designer, and prop builder. Tony has worked for DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, Disney, Lucasfilm, Universal Studios, Chevy, 20th Century Fox, New Line Cinema, Aftershock, Hasbro, Cartoon Network, Heavy Metal, Malibu Comics, Verotik Comics, Caliber Comics, First Comics, and many, many others. Tony has worked on properties such as BatmanSupermanWonder WomanGreen Lantern, Aquaman, FlashJustice LeagueJSAStarmanEx MachinaThe Whistling SkullLazarus 5ObergeistDoctor StrangeIron ManHulkSpider-ManFantastic FourWolverineX-MenAvengersDeadpoolCaptain AmericaStar WarsIndiana JonesMaleficentHaunted MansionPirates of the CaribbeanThe MummyAliensPredatorClassics Illustrated’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeThe Invisible ManThe Master of Ballantrae, and many, many more. Tony has won the highest award given in the comic book industry, the Eisner for Starman and Ex-Machina and has been nominated 19 times. Tony has continued to be a prolific cover illustrator and returned to sequential interiors in 2022, re-teaming with his co-creator of Starman, James Robinson, on a new creator-owned property, as well as a hardcover art book called Tony Harris’ : A(e)ther from Aftershock Comics.

Jeph Loeb is known for Batman: The Long HalloweenSuperman For All SeasonsSpider-Man BlueBatman HushRed Hulk, and Superman/Batman, as well as many others. In TV, he has written for DaredevilJessica JonesLuke Cage, and Agents of SHIELD as well as LostSmallvilleHeroes, and more. In film, he worked on Teen Wolf and Commando, among others.

Ron Marz has been writing comics for more than three decades, starting his career with a lengthy run on Silver Surfer for Marvel. Since then, he has worked for virtually every major publisher and compiled a long list of credits, including stints on Thor for Marvel, Green Lantern and Superboy for DC, Star Wars for Dark Horse, and the historic Marvel vs. DC crossover. He co-created the Green Lantern Kyle Rayner during his landmark run on the title.

Marz is also known for penning numerous inter-company crossovers, including Green Lantern-Silver SurferBatman-AliensBatman-Tarzan: Claws of the CatwomanGreen Lantern-Aliens, and Amalgam title Doctor Strangefate. He was Senior Writer at CrossGen Comics, where his titles included MysticScionSojourn, and The Path.

Other credits include his acclaimed run on Witchblade, as well as MagdalenaArtifacts, and Cyber Force for Top Cow/Image, and many others. Marz’s creator-owned series include the all-ages tale Dragon Prince at Top Cow; the historical adventure Samurai: Heaven and Earth at Dark Horse; the vampire tale Shinku at Image; and cosmic graphic novel Resolution.

Marz has also written for video games, including multiple Skylanders titles, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2Spider-Man 2, and more. He is currently part of the narrative team for Blizzard’s Diablo franchise. Marz also teaches comic book writing at the Jacob Krueger Studio, based in Manhattan.

Brandon Peterson has worked as an illustrator in comics professionally over twenty-five years. He currently works primarily at DC Comics on such titles as SupermanTrinityGreen LanternTitansFlash, and Shazam. He’s previously worked on Marvel books like InhumansAge of UltronAvengersAmazing Spider-ManUltimatesUltimate Vision, Ultimate ExtinctionStrangeUltimate X-MenAstonishing X-MenMagneto RexX-Men, and Uncanny X-Men. And he was also VP of Special Projects and Art Director of the now-defunct CrossGen Comics, where he worked on titles like Mystic and Chimera. He spent a very long time working for Top Cow Productions, where he did runs on comics like Codename: StrykeforceCyberforceRipclawMedieval Spawn/Witchblade, and his own book, Arcanum.

Lee Weeks is an award-winning comic book artist and sometime writer known for BatmanSupermanDaredevil, and Hulk, among many others. His breakthrough came drawing a Daredevil run that culminated in the noirish, “Fall of the Kingpin” storyline in the 1990s. 

Lee received a Best Artist award for his work on Batman, while his collaboration with Tom King on Batman vs. Elmer Fudd garnered a couple more awards…and a gazillion strange looks. His most recent work can be found in the pages of Superman: Home Again.  

Lee has occasionally taught at the famed Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art, where he himself studied under Joe in the 1980s. He resides in Pennsylvania with his wife, Tish.

Rumor has it he knows a couple good card tricks.

This year’s confirmed guests for the show include: Arthur Adams (Longshot), Rodney Barnes (Killadelphia), Jeremy Bastian (Cursed Pirate Girl), Marty Baumann (Pixar artist), John Beatty (Marvel Super Heroes: Secret Wars), Rose Besch (Miles Morales: Spider-Man), Russ Braun (The Boys), Brett Breeding (Superman), Tom Brevoort (coursey of Hero Initiative, FCBD 2023: Avengers/X-Men), Mark Brooks (Immoral X-Men), Mark Buckingham (Fables), Jim Calafiore (NED, Lord of the Pit), Chris Campana (Amazing Spider-Man), Richard Case (Doom Patrol), John Cassaday (X-Force), Castillo Studios, Keith Champagne (Stranger Things), Howard Chaykin (Time Squared), Sean Chen (Genesis), Cliff Chiang (Paper Girls), Frank Cho (Harley Quinn), Michael Cho (Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories–Qui-Gon Jinn), Amy Chu (KISS: The End), Matthew Clark (Adventures of Superman, courtesy of Hero Initiative), Steve Conley (The Middle Age), Katie Cook (Nothing Special), Vito Delsante (Stray), Todd Dezago (The Perhapanauts), Scott Dunbier (Jim Lee’s X-Men Artist’s Edition, courtesy of Hero Initiative), Ben Edlund (The Tick), Chris Eliopoulos (Ordinary People Change the World), Steve Epting (New Avengers), David Finch (Moon Knight), Trish Forstner (Feral), Franco (Teen Titans Go to the Library), Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (DC Nation), Ron Garney (BZRKR), Mitch Gerads (Mister Miracle), Sanford Greene (Bitter Root), Gene Ha (Mae), Bob Hall (West Coast Avengers), Cully Hamner (Blue Beetle), Bo Hampton (Batman: Castle of the Bat), Scott Hanna (Amazing Spider-Man), Tony Harris (The Whistling Skull), Dean Haspiel (The Red Hook), Glenn Hauman (They Keep Killing Glenn), Mike Hawthorne (Deadpool), Marc Hempel (Sandman), Kyle Higgins (Radiant Black), Derek Hunter (Walking Dead: Small Bites), J.G. Jones (Wanted), Dan Jurgens (Action Comics), Jamal Igle (Superman), Klaus Janson (courtesy of Hero Initiative, Daredevil), Sandy Jarrell (Batman ’66), Dave Johnson (100 Bullets), Joëlle Jones (Lady Killer), Chris Kemple (Artist Alley Comics), Karl Kesel (Impossible Jones), Tom King (Wonder Woman), Barry Kitson (Amazing Spider-Man), Scott Kolins (The Flash), Dan Krall (House of Night), Emma Kubert (Inkblot), Greg Land (Symbiote Spider-Man), Jim Lee (Superman, Friday only), Greg Land (Symbiote Spider-Man), Jeph Loeb (Batman: The Long Halloween), Sam Maggs (Marvel Action: Captain Marvel), Shawn Martinbrough (Red Hood: The Hill), Ron Marz (Silver Surfer), Whitney Matheson (Pandemix: Quarantine Comics in the Age of ‘Rona), Jeff McClelland (The Tick), Charlie McElvy (Spider-Squirrel), Mike McKone (Red Goblin), Bob McLeod (New Mutants), Carla Speed McNeil (Finder), Adriana Melo (Action Comics), Al Milgrom (Spectacular Spider-Man), Terry Moore (Strangers in Paradise), Mark Morales (Thor), Drew Moss (Thundercats), Ian Chase Nichols (The Tick), Fabian Nicieza (courtesy of Hero Initiative, Deadpool), Tom Nguyen (The Switch), Jerome Opena (Uncanny X-Force), Ryan Ottley (Invincible), Dan Parent (Sabrina the Teenage Witch), Andrew Pepoy (Simone & Ajax), David Petersen (Mouse Guard), Brandon Peterson (Uncanny X-Men), Khoi Pham (Star Wars: Darth Vader), Nick Pitarra (Ax-Wielder Jon), Stephen Platt (Moon Knight), Andy Price (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Tim Probert (Lightfall), Ron Randall (Trekker), Tom Raney (Green Lantern), Mark Redfield (Vampire Hunters Incorporated), Amy Reeder (Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur), Afua Richardson (Omni), Don Rosa (Uncle $crooge), Jennifer Rouse (Frankenstein Mobster), Craig Rousseau (The Perhapanauts), Ethan Sacks (A Haunted Girl), Alex Saviuk (Web of Spider-Man), Alex Segura (Secret Identity, courtesy of Hero Initiative), Liam Sharp (X-O Manowar Unconquered), Geoff Shaw (God Country), Don Simpson (Megaton Man), Louise Simonson (The Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special), Walter Simonson (Thor), Matt Slay (Equilibrium), Matt Slay (Equalibrium), John K. Snyder III (Suicide Squad), Mark Sparacio (Omega Paradox), Jim Starlin (Dreadstar), Joe Staton (Dick Tracy), Ryan Stegman (X-23), Brian Stelfreeze (Black Panther), Paul D. Storrie (Storm Kids: Stanley’s Ghost), Joshua “Swayart” Swaby (Star Wars), Babs Tarr (Batgirl of Burnside), Martha Thomases (Second-Hand Rose), Zoe Thorogood (Hack/Slash: Back to School), David Trustman (Gregor!), Gus Vazquez (Sunfire and Big Hero Six), Robert Venditti (Tankers), Lee Weeks (Batman/Catwoman Special), Mark Wheatley (Skultar), Jeremy Whitley (Navigating With You, courtesy of Mad Cave Studios), Matt Wieringo (Stargate Atlantis: Gateways), Keith Williams (Thor the Worthy), Stephanie Williams (Nubia: Queen of the Amazons), G. Willow Wilson (Ms. Marvel), Marv Wolfman (What If…? Dark: Tomb of Dracula), Rich Woodall (Electric Black), John Workman (Wild Things), David Yardin (Daredevil: Woman Without Fear), Kelly Yates (Doctor Who), Leinil Francis Yu (Wolverine), Thom Zahler (Love and Capes).

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