Back in 2019, The Pokémon Company opened a special YouTube channel called Pokémon Kids TV, which is aimed at young Pokémon fans. You can check out the latest batch of content uploaded to the channel in the embedded video below:
Have you ever heard the well-known Japanese nursery rhyme “”Tanabata-sama””? Let’s follow the rhythm and dance to it with Pikachu!
Sa~sa~noha sa~rasara~♪ Pikachu and friends are dancing in Tanabata costumes! Come sing and dance with us!
#PokemonKidsTV #Pokemon #PokemonSongs # Children’sSongs #NurseryRhymes #Pikachu #Tanabatasama #NurseryRhymes
【ポケモン公式】童謡「たなばたさま」-ポケモン Kids TV【こどものうた】
7月7日は「たなばた」だね! ピカチュウたちも ささ や たんざく のじゅんびを おてつだいしているよ♪ そこに ねがいごとポケモンのジラーチもあらわれて…?!
#ポケモンKidsTV #ポケモン #ポケモンのうた #こどものうた #童謡 #たなばた
#ジラーチ #ピカチュウ #イーブイ #ナエトル #ピッピ #ラプラス #コダック #サーナイト #キルリア #ラルトス #パチリス #チリーン
Video: New Pokémon Kids TV video features the Happy Birthday song
Video: New Pokémon Kids TV video features Rolling Poké Balls rhythm video
Video: New Pokémon Kids TV song features Pokémon Pikaboo!
Video: Picture book starring Pikachu and Squirtle now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Picture book starring Staravia, Mudkip and Meowth now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Pokémon Kids TV nursery rhyme stars helpless Magikarp
Video: Pokémon Kids TV picture book features Totodile, Chikorita, Dunsparce and Cyndaquil
Video: Pokémon Kids TV picture book features Totodile, Chikorita, Dunsparce and Cyndaquil
Video: Experience Expedition Pikachu now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Pokémon Kids TV nursery rhyme stars sleeping Snorlax blocking a path
Video: Official Pikachu mascot talks about its Experience Expedition on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Listen to the official Pokémon Lulling Lullaby on Pokémon Kids TV
Videos: Mary had a little lamb now available in English and Japanese on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: The Forest of Reversals picture book now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Videos: If You’re Happy and You Know It now available in English and Japanese on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Official tutorial version of I Love Pikachu and Eevee now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Amefuri nursery rhyme now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Official Pikachu mascot learns about its Experience Expedition on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Old MacDonald Had a Farm now playing in English and Japanese on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Spot the Pokémon game now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Pikachu attends real-life wedding during Experience Expedition on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Official mascots for Pikachu and Geodude stretch with kids on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: The Night of the Shooting Star picture book now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Source: Pokemon