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HomeNewsCentiskorch and Dudunsparce plush available now at the official Pokémon Center

Centiskorch and Dudunsparce plush available now at the official Pokémon Center

Pokémon Masters EX, the strategy and battling Pokémon game for mobile platforms, is now available for download on the App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android). In celebration of the game’s popularity, special in-game events and rewards are offered for a limited time on a regular basis.

Story Event Middle-Aged Opposites

June 13, 2024 at 11:00 p.m. – July 2, 2024 at 10:59 p.m.

Story Event Middle-Aged Opposites Under Way!

Trainers from different regions have been called to teach the younger generation!

Larry is curious about Kabu—who, like him, has also been invited to teach.

Lineup Bonuses

You can earn bonus rewards if you have featured Sync Pairs in your lineup for battles in this event.

The more of these Sync Pairs you include on your team, the more of the following items you can earn!

Note: You can view more information about the featured Sync Pairs in the Special Bonuses screen by tapping the button in the bottom left of the area selection screen.

Featured Bonus Items

  • Event Voucher J

The lineup bonus is ×1 by default and varies according to which Sync Pairs are on the team.

Example 1: If you place a ×1.6 and a ×1.2 Sync Pair on your team, you will receive ×1.8 the number of featured bonus items.

Example 2: If you place a ×1.6 and a ×1.4 Sync Pair on your team, you will receive ×2.0 the number of featured bonus items.

Event Missions

You can take on special Missions during the event period.

Check the Missions screen to learn more!

Event Medals

Event medals are awarded for meeting certain conditions in event missions.

You can try to obtain all of the event medals!

Log-In Bonus Under Way!

A log-in bonus is currently under way to mark the start of the event.

Log-In Bonus Details

  • Day 1: Skip Ticket ×20
  • Day 2: Gems ×100
  • Day 3: Gems ×100
  • Day 4: Gems ×100
  • Day 5: Skip Ticket ×20
  • Day 6: Gems ×100
  • Day 7: Gems ×100
  • Day 8: Gems ×100
  • Day 9: Skip Ticket ×20
  • Day 10: Gems ×100
  • Day 11: Gems ×100
  • Day 12: Gems ×100
  • Day 13: Gems ×100
  • Day 14: Skip Ticket ×20

Log-In Bonus Date/Time

June 13, 2024 at 11:00 p.m. – July 2, 2024 at 10:59 p.m.


  • To participate, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those you can actually obtain.
  • The number of plays available for Daily Extreme Battle 1 is reset every day.

    Reset Time: 11:00 p.m.

  • When the exchange period for the following items obtained in this event ends, the leftover items will be converted into coins (10 coins each) and sent to your Present Box.

    Applicable Items:

  • Event Voucher J
  • To attempt missions, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • All mission completion rewards must be claimed within three days of the mission period ending.
  • To claim log-in bonuses, you must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • Log-in bonuses are sent to your Present Box.
  • Log-in bonuses can only be claimed during the specified time period.
  • Log-in bonuses sent to the Present Box can only be claimed for a limited period of time.
  • Log-in bonuses can only be claimed once per day.
  • Up to 14 log-in bonuses can be claimed.
  • Log-in bonuses are reset each day at 11:00 p.m.
  • If you are already logged in, you will need to return to the Pokémon Center and claim them from your Present Box.
  • The content is subject to change without notice.

We hope you continue to enjoy Pokémon Masters EX.

Weaken your opponents and motivate your team to take action with this Normal-type sprint sync pair.

Our office-appropriate excitement has reached heretofore unseen levels of normalcy now that Larry & Dudunsparce have arrived in Pokémon Masters EX. The Gym Leader of the Paldea region’s Medali Gym may seem like just another run-of-the-mill salaryman, but true fans know Larry is the Exceptional Everyman, making this Normal-type sprint sync pair everything but ordinary.

Larry & Dudunsparce’s Working Man’s Methods passive skill raises their Attack by four stat ranks when they enter a battle, and when they attack, ignores the target’s damage-reducing passive skills. Plus, the pair’s Plain and Simple Trainer move is a good way to begin a battle. This move boosts your team by applying the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play while also raising the Speed of all allied sync pairs by two stat ranks. It also reduces Larry & Dudunsparce’s sync move countdown by one.

Once you’ve had the duo use one move, you can fire off their powerful Bullet Speed Hyper Drill buddy move, which never misses. In addition to dealing damage, this attack also lowers the target’s Defense by two stat ranks and their Normal Type Rebuff by one rank. It even applies the Free Move Next effect to Larry & Dudunsparce, so their next attack won’t deplete the move gauge.

Speaking of Type Rebuffs, Larry & Dudunsparce’s Rebuff Reducing Hit (Weakness) passive skill lowers the target’s Type Rebuff of its weakness type by one rank the first time the user’s attack is successful each battle. These lowered Type Rebuffs will prove extra useful as they activate the pair’s Opp Rebuff : Team Moves  2 passive skill, which powers up the attacks of all allied sync pairs when attacking a target with a lowered Type Rebuff. Larry & Dudunsparce are always looking out for their cowork—erm, teammates.

For more details on this sync pair’s passive skills and moves, check out Larry & Dudunsparce’s in-game sync pair scout screen. Larry & Dudunsparce are available to scout from June 13, at 11:00 p.m. PDT to July 10, 2024, at 10:59 p.m. PDT.

Whitney & Miltank

Normal does not mean weak! While Normal-type moves and sync moves aren’t anyone’s weakness, Normal-type sync pairs can still do plenty of damage, especially alongside the right teammates. Whitney & Miltank have a powerful sync move that hits even harder when their target is paralyzed, and Larry & Dudunsparce’s Bullet Speed Hyper Drill amplifies Whitney & Miltank’s potential power by lowering the Normal-type Rebuff of an opponent—a rare feat in Pokémon Masters EX. Since Whitney & Miltank deal physical damage, they can also benefit from the two-rank Defense drop Bullet Speed Hyper Drill also does.

Whitney & Miltank are available to scout from the general pool of 4★ sync pairs as well as from the no-cost Daily Scout.

Sonia & Yamper

If you prefer to use Larry & Dudunsparce to deal physical damage, Sonia & Yamper are one of the best sync pairs to put alongside them. Sonia & Yamper can help max out Larry & Dudunsparce’s Attack stat with a single use of Ruff Buff!, and their Defense Crush 9 passive skill paves the way to maximum damage by lowering their target’s Defense whenever Sonia & Yamper successfully land an attack. As a sprint sync pair, Larry & Dudunsparce also make quick work of getting your team to their sync moves faster, which Sonia & Yamper can make all the more powerful thanks to the bonuses available after they’re raised to 6★ EX.

Sonia & Yamper are available to scout from the general pool of 5★ sync pairs, as well as from the 5★-Guaranteed Ticket Scout and 5★-Guaranteed Galar Ticket Scout.

Get down to business, Trainers!

An Odd Couple of Unlikely Collaborators Arrives on Pasio!

With age comes wisdom and experience—and yet these two venerable Trainers couldn’t be more different!

Will Kabu’s passion spread like wildfire? Or will Larry’s placid professionalism prevail?

【公式】『ポケモンマスターズ EX』「アオキ&ノココッチ」「カブ&マルヤクデ」が登場!
【公式】アオキとカブが出会うと……? #shorts

Source: Official Pokémon Masters EX site and

Source: Pokemon

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