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HomeNewsSpecial 'KeyForge' Sets to Retail

Special ‘KeyForge’ Sets to Retail

Ghost Galaxy will release two special sets for KeyForge this year, in May and late 2024. Ghost Galaxy defines “special sets” as a set that uses a past mechanic, narrative, or concept, with new elements, released outside the normal two-sets-per-year pace. Some, but not all, will be tournament-legal.

KeyForge: Menagerie will be released to retail in the U.S. on May 10, and on May 3 in the rest of the world.  This set was originally offered as part of the Grim Reminders (see “’KeyForge: Grim Reminders’ Gets Date”) crowdfunding project, and is now getting a trade release.   

Each Menagerie pack includes specific cards from the entire KeyForge card pool around a named theme that in the past would have been very unlikely or impossible.  Types of Menagerie packets include massive cards, creature groups, special combo card constellations, and special theme plays.  These cards are not legal in tournament play.   

KeyForge: Tokens of Change will be released to trade late this year.  It’s currently being offered as part of the KeyForge: Æmber Skies crowdfunding project (a date for the Æmber Skies trade release has not been set). 

This set centers on the “Token creatures” game mechanic.  Each deck will include one token creature reference card, plus cards in the deck that create Token creatures. Token creatures originally appeared in KeyForge: Winds of Exchange; this new set will feature Token creatures for houses that did not appear in that original group, and for the new Redemption house, which is making its first appearance in this set. KeyForge; Tokens of Change cards will be tournament-legal.

Source: ICv2

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