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HomeComic BooksUltimate Spider-Man #3 delivers some nice twists to classic characters

Ultimate Spider-Man #3 delivers some nice twists to classic characters

Ultimate Spider-Man #3

Spider-Man sizes up the new hero Green Goblin! As they team up to fight a new super villain, secrets about the corporations running North America are revealed… And you’ll never guess who discovers Spider-Man’s secret identity! Ultimate Spider-Man #3 delivers the goods with the introduction of two new characters and the reveal of one of their secret identities.

Written by Jonathan Hickman, Ultimate Spider-Man #3 makes it three for three when it comes to quality issues for the series. This one in particular shows off the balance that Hickman has perfected with each issue. It’s a balance of introducing this new world, Peter’s home life, Peter’s superhero life, and throw in some action and humor. The comic is fantastic just nailing what you’d want from a Spider-Man comic.

Where Hickman’s run stands out is taking the familiar and remixing it. This feels somewhat like a “what if” story with Peter grown up, married, and kids, but also an origin story as well. He doesn’t know how to be a superhero, having had decades of training stolen from him. There’s simple tasks of a stake out and deciding on a costume, it all is simple tasks that are new to him and thus us.

There’s also Peter’s home life. His daughter knows his secret but that leaves his wife and son in the dark. This gives Hickman an opportunity to explore Peter and his daughter’s relationship delivering some adorable moments that ground the comic and remind us that this is a story about a father learning how to be a hero. We get his views but that of his daughter’s as well.

Then there’s the introduction of two new characters, Green Goblin and Bullseye. Each are interesting takes on the classic characters with one’s identity being revealed in a rather interesting way. Both of these characters not only expand the world but also build on the mystery of who is controlling the world this Ultimate Universe is built upon.

The art by Marco Checchetto helps a ton adding in energy and excitement that Hickman’s writing delivers. The colors by Matthew Wilson pop and lettering by Cory Petit add that emotional punch. The art is fantastic and can go from mundane boring aspects to excitement, hitting each of those emotional aspects perfectly. Peter with his daughter, the details in expressions drive home what they’re feeling, thinking, and experiencing. There’s an adorable aspect to it that the art really emphasizes. It’s fantastic, spilling over the excitement and enthusiasm from the story weaved.

Ultimate Spider-Man #3 is a fantastic issue really driving home the fundamentals of what’s making this series work so well. It’s just a solid comic that’s fun and in some ways still a decent point to start reading from. It builds upon the mystery of this world but not too in the weeds yet. But, most importantly, the fun and enthusiasm of the comic and its characters spills off the page.

Story: Jonathan Hickman Art: Marco Checchetto
Color: Matthew Wilson Letterer: Cory Petit
Story: 8.4 Art: 8.5 Overall: 8.5 Recommendation: Buy

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: TFAWZeus ComicsKindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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