Those Two Geeks Episode Special: When I Was Young… (An LGBTQIA+ Charity Comic Anthology)
Alex is joined by Heather Antos to talk about When I Was Young… (An LGBTQIA+ Charity Comic Anthology) A 100+ page comic anthology featuring short stories of inspiration, advice, and triumph. All profits will be donated to The Trevor Project to benefit LGBTQIA+ youth. The project is currently live on Backerkit and is just over 80% funded with about 10 days remaining.

You can find Heather @heatherantos on all the socials, and the link to the project at
You can reach Alex and Joe can be found on Twitter/X respectively @karcossa and @FirstRonin4 if you feel the need to tell them they’re wrong individually, or by email at
Music by AlexGrohl from Pixabay.
Source: Graphic Policy