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Thank you for playing Pokémon Sleep!
This update includes the following improvements.
You will need to update to the latest version through your app store.
New Features
■ Addition of a new product, Trial Bundle.
■ Addition of a new main skill, Tasty Chance S.
• Dedenne arrives on 3/11, and this will be its main skill.
■ Addition of a subsection on the Stats page (viewable from the Edit Teams screen) to display the effects of helper Pokémon’s sub skills.
• This makes it possible to view each team member’s helping frequency with the effects of Helping Bonus applied.
■ When a player uses a Helper Whistle, the effects will be calculated based on the frequency listed under Helping Stats on the Stats page (viewable from the Edit Teams screen).
• This applies the effects of the sub skill Helping Bonus when a Helper Whistle is used.
Note: The effects of event bonuses or items such as a Good Camp Ticket are not applied when a Helper Whistle is used.
■ Addition of a new parameter to search Pokémon by: Sub Skills.
■ Addition of a new Relaxing Sound, “Game Sync.”
Sleep Tracking
■ Changes to the End Sleep Session button so a session stops with a slide rather than a tap.
• This makes it more difficult to end a sleep session by accidentally tapping the button.
Game Contents
■ Research rank, helper Pokémon max levels, and other limits unlocked.
• Research rank: 50 → 55
• Pokémon level: 50 → 55
• Max levels of certain main skills: 6 → 7
• Charge Strength S
• Charge Strength M
• Dream Shard Magnet S
Note: Other main skills’ max levels are scheduled to be gradually unlocked in later updates.
• Recipe level: 50 → 55
• Max expanded capacity of the bag’s items pocket: 600 → 700
■ Details added to explanatory text for certain items, such as the Helper Whistle and the Good Camp Ticket.
■ Other small bug fixes.
We hope you continue to enjoy Pokémon Sleep!
Source: Official Pokémon Sleep news
Source: Pokemon