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HomeComic BooksDead X-Men #2 Increases the Impossible Odds

Dead X-Men #2 Increases the Impossible Odds

Dead X-Men #2

With mutant-kind attempting to fend off the eventual success of machines and the threat of Enigma inching closer, the previously dead X-Men travel through the various timelines of Moira X to gain a fighting chance. But after running into an alternate cyborg, Moira, and giving her the time-jumping technology, she plans on achieving her ultimate goal by traveling to her past lives. With the odds stacking against them even more, the six mutants must fight for the future in Dead X-Men #2.

With Fall of X signaling the end of Krakoa, Dead X-Men interacts closely with Rise of the Powers of X and the previous House of X and Powers of X due to the mutants going to the various timelines explored in those two titles. Considering how difficult the odds are for mutant-kind to overcome, Steve Foxe conveys how important the mission is and how this team is suited for it. I did not enjoy seeing the new X-Men team killed unceremoniously at last year’s Hellfire Gala, so I like Foxe bringing them back to play a significant role in this overarching story. You can tell that he loves these characters cause each gets a moment to shine while demonstrating their specific role in the mission. 

Considering how much this series utilizes the past timelines from HoX/PoX, Foxe fleshes out the timeline where Moira killed the Trash family and showed the aftermath of it. And while similar events from the main timeline have occurred, they come across more as echoes than direct replications. As a result, it presents the later part of the timeline as a snapshot that the X-Men are dropped into and have to find out when and where they are. Having a cybernetically enhanced Moira instead of Moira X as the villain adds an exciting twist where she is not directly connected to the machines but is still working to achieve their goals. 

An exciting aspect of Dead X-Men #2 is having three artists for the issue, Peter NguyenBernard Chang, and Guillermo Sana, to showcase the explored timeline and locations. Each of their art pieces feels ideally suited for the timeline they’re presenting while meshing well and helping the reader not be taken out of the story. Frank Martin’s colors complement the differing art while providing visual cohesion across the story. VC’s Cory Petit lettering matches the story and emphasizes essential words within the speech bubbles. 

Dead X-Men #2 perfectly complements Rise of the Powers of X by showcasing Xavier’s other plans to fight the dominion. Considering how the newly elected X-Men were quickly taken away from the table, they are in great hands with Foxe as he demonstrates their combined power and prowess. Along with his strong knowledge of X-Men history, he has proven to be the perfect writer for this series. Even with the horrible future looming in front of mutantkind, someone has to take a stand and fight for the future. Foxe shows why this team of mutants is the X-Men.

Story: Steve Foxe Art: Peter Nguyen, Bernard Chang, and Guillermo Sana
Color: Frank Martin Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Story: 8.2 Art: 8.4 Overall: 8.3 Recommendation: Read

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicsKindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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