Read on below to learn more about Pokémon Sleep:

Thank you for playing Pokémon Sleep!
In order to update the app’s version, maintenance will be conducted during the following time period.
Maintenance Period
Starts: 2024/02/07 19:00
Ends: 2024/02/07 23:30
New Features
■ Preparation for the “Valentine’s Day 2024” event.
■ Addition of 2 new Dessert/Drink recipes to commemorate the Valentine’s Day event.
■ Addition of a feature that allows researchers to check their recipes at any time from the cooking pot on the home screen.
■ Addition of a feature that allows researchers to extend the effect duration of the Good Camp Ticket.
• After using 1 Good Camp Ticket, researchers can use more to extend the duration up to a max of 60 days.
Example: After using 1 Good Camp Ticket, a researcher uses 2 more tickets to extend the effect duration to 21 days (7 days × 3 tickets).
■ Addition of a feature that allows researchers to use multiple ingredients by tapping and holding on the ingredient while choosing ingredients for cooking.
Balance Adjustments
■ Raising carry limits for helper Pokémon
• Kangaskhan: +2
• Pinsir: +2
• Ditto: +4
• Heracross: +3
• Sableye: +6
• Absol: +4
■ Fixes to other small bugs
We hope you continue to enjoy Pokémon Sleep!
Source: Official Pokémon Sleep news
Source: Pokemon