Dynamite Entertainment is producing Monty Python and the Holy Grail: The Game, designed by Fire Tower creators Samuel Bryant and Gwen Ruelle, under a license.
Based on the events of the classic 1975 British comedy film and featuring film stills and iconic Terry Gilliam artwork from the movie, Monty Python and the Holy Grail: The Game is an adventure game built upon its absurd style of comedy. Each player assumes the role of one of Arthur’s knights, setting out to locate the mystic Holy Grail. Along the way, they must contend with such obstacles as the infamous Black Knight and catapulting cows. The knights can work together, but they also compete with one another for “Valor Points” and sabotage each others’ efforts.
The game comes with a 20 x 20 inch game board, 116 cards, wooden meeples and valor markers, and a functional three-dimensional cardboard catapult. Monty Python and the Holy Grail: The Game is intended for 2 to 5 players, ages 14 and up, and takes a little under an hour to play.
Dynamite is raising funds to produce the game through a crowd-funding campaign on Backerkit that has attracted $220,924 in pledged support from 4019 backers (an average of $54.97 per backer) as of this writing, more than quadruple its $50,000 goal. Backer fulfillment is scheduled for late July.
In May, the company is launching a board game based on the Bakshi and Frazetta film Fire and Ice (see “Dynamite Offers ‘Fire and Ice’ Game”).
Source: ICv2