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HomeNewsCatch Cup: Adventures Abound Edition with 4× Stardust from win rewards now...

Catch Cup: Adventures Abound Edition with 4× Stardust from win rewards now running as part of GO Battle League: Adventures Abound in Pokémon GO until November 24 at 1 p.m. PDT

Niantic has detailed GO Battle League: Adventures Abound for Pokémon GO. Read on below to learn more:

GO Battle League: Adventures Abound Season Update

GO Battle League: Adventures Abound Season Update

GO Battle League: Adventures Abound start date, rank resets, and end-of-Season rewards

GO Battle League: Adventures Abound Friday, September 1, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. PDT (GMT −7).

The following will occur at the beginning of the Season.

  • End-of-Season rewards will be available on the battle screen.
  • Your GO Battle League rank will be reset.
  • Rank-up requirements will remain the same as the prior Season.

GO Battle League: Adventures Abound schedule

GO Battle League: Adventures Abound schedule

The following leagues will begin and end at 1:00 p.m. PDT (GMT −7) on the dates listed below.

Starting with this Season, the schedule below will also be visible on the in-game GO Battle League Page!

Great League
Element Cup Remix: Little Edition
Ultra League
Element Cup Remix: Little Edition
Master League
Psychic Cup: Great League Edition*
Great League
Psychic Cup: Great League Edition
Ultra League
Sunshine Cup: Great League Edition
Great League*
Ultra League*
Master League*
Great League
Sunshine Cup: Great League Edition
Ultra League
Halloween Cup: Great League Edition
Master League*
Halloween Cup: Great League Edition*
Great League
Electric Cup: Great League Edition
Ultra League
Electric Cup: Great League Edition
Catch Cup: Adventures Abound Edition*
Great League*
Ultra League*
Master League*

Adventures Abound GO Battle Events

GO Battle Weekend: Adventures Abound

Saturday, October 7, 2023, at 12:00 a.m. to Sunday, October 8, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. local time


  • The maximum number of sets you can play per day will be increased from five to 20—for a total of 100 battles—from October 7–8, 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. local time.
    *Free battle-themed Timed Research will be available. Rewards include the avatar item Geeta-Style Gloves.
  • Paid battle-themed Timed Research* awarding Stardust, Rare Candy XL, and one Star Piece will be available for US$1.00 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency). IMPORTANT: Please note that Timed Research expires. To receive the rewards, the tasks associated with this Timed Research must be completed and the rewards claimed before Sunday, October 8, 2023, 11:59 p.m. local time.

Active leagues

The following leagues will be active.

  • Master League Premier*
  • Single-type Cup: Great League Edition*

*3× Stardust from win rewards (this does not include end-of-set rewards)

GO Battle League: Adventures Abound rewards

Image of 1x Guaranteed Encounter Icon Guaranteed rank-up encounters

You can encounter the following Pokémon once per Season at the designated ranks.

Image of Wild Encounter Icon Standard Encounters

You can encounter the following Pokémon in reward encounters throughout the Season at the ranks shown in the image below.

GO Battle League Timed Research Pass

For our most dedicated battlers, a pass to access battle-themed Timed Research will be available in the in-game shop at no cost once GO Battle League: Adventures Abound begins.

This Timed Research will keep track of your victories throughout the Season. Each research page requires 100 wins to complete, and doing so will award you with a small amount of Stardust and items, such as an Elite Fast TM (400 wins), an Elite Charged TM (500 wins), and Rare Candy XL (every 100 wins). Keep at it throughout the Season to see how far you can get!

The Timed Research can be claimed between Friday, September 1, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. and Friday, September 15, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. PDT.

Avatar items and other rewards

Trainers will be able to earn the following avatar items, which are all inspired by Geeta, the Top Champion of the Paldea Pokémon League in the Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet games for the Nintendo Switch!

  • At Ace rank, you’ll receive Geeta-Style Gloves and Shoes.
  • At Veteran rank, you’ll receive the Geeta-Style Pants
  • At Expert rank, you’ll receive the Geeta-Style Shirt.
  • At Legend rank, you’ll receive the Geeta-Style Pose.

At Rank 19, you’ll receive an Elite Charged TM. You’ll also receive an Elite Fast TM as an end-of-Season reward.


You can look forward to the following cups this Season.

Image of the Great League Remix Icon Great League

  • Pokémon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter.

Ultra League Ultra League

  • Pokémon must be at or below 2,500 CP to enter.

ML Logo Master League

  • No CP Limit.

Element Cup Remix: Little Edition

  • Pokémon must be at or below 500 CP to enter.
  • Only Fire-, Water-, and Grass-type Pokémon are eligible.
  • Only Pokémon that are able to evolve and have never evolved are eligible.

The following Pokémon will not be allowed.

Psychic Cup: Great League Edition

  • Pokémon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter.
  • Only Psychic-type Pokémon are eligible.
  • Mew is not allowed.

Sunshine Cup: Great League Edition

  • Pokémon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter.
  • Only Normal-, Fire-, Grass-, and Ground-type Pokémon are eligible.
  • Charizard is not allowed.

Halloween Cup: Great League Edition

  • Pokémon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter.
  • Only Poison-, Bug-, Ghost-, Dark-, and Fairy-type Pokémon are eligible.

Electric Cup: Great League Edition

  • Pokémon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter.
  • Only Electric-type Pokémon are eligible.

The following Pokémon will not be allowed.

Catch Cup: Adventures Abound Edition

  • Pokémon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter.
  • Only Pokémon that have been caught during this Season (Adventures Abound) are eligible.
  • Mythical Pokémon are not eligible.

New Attacks

Trailblaze (Grass-type Charged Attack)

  • Trainer Battles: 65 power and increases Attack by one stage
  • Gyms and raids: 65 power

Scorching Sands (Ground-type Charged Attack)

  • Trainer Battles: 80 power and a chance to lower the opposing Pokémon’s Attack by one stage
  • Gyms and raids: 95 power

Triple Axel (Ice-type Charged Attack)

  • Trainer Battles: 60 power and increases Attack by one stage
  • Gyms and raids: 60 power

Attack Changes

Attack availability updates

Magnemite will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Volt Switch.
Magneton will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Volt Switch.
Magnezone will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Volt Switch.
Regieleki will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Volt Switch.
Swalot will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Mud Shot.
Greedent will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Mud Shot.
Croagunk will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Mud Shot.
Toxicroak will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Mud Shot.
Onix will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Breaking Swipe.
Steelix will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Breaking Swipe.
Rhydon will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Breaking Swipe.
Rhyperior will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Breaking Swipe.
Sceptile will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Breaking Swipe.
Heliolisk will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Breaking Swipe.
Regidrago will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Breaking Swipe.
Accelgor will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Water Shuriken.
Hitmonlee will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Blaze Kick.
Mienshao will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Blaze Kick.
Incineroar will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Blaze Kick.
Riolu will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Blaze Kick.
Lucario will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Blaze Kick.
Golisopod will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Razor Shell.
Krabby will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Razor Shell.
Kingler will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Razor Shell.
Corphish will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Razor Shell.
Crawdaunt will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Razor Shell.
Shellder will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Razor Shell.
Cloyster will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Razor Shell.
Barbaracle will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Razor Shell.
Mr. Mime will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Magical Leaf.
Chikorita will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Magical Leaf.
Bayleef will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Magical Leaf.
Meganium will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Magical Leaf.
Bellossom will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Magical Leaf.
Roselia will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Magical Leaf.
Roserade will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Magical Leaf.
Mismagius will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Magical Leaf.
Shaymin will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Magical Leaf.
Rowlet will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Magical Leaf.
Dartrix will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Magical Leaf.
Decidueye will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Magical Leaf.
Kirlia will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Magical Leaf.
Gardevoir will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Magical Leaf.
Lilligant will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Magical Leaf.
Meowstic will now be able to learn the Fast Attack Magical Leaf.
Tauros will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Sudowoodo will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Mareep will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Flaaffy will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Ampharos will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Scyther will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Scizor will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Kleavor will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Teddiursa will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Ursaring will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Ursaluna will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Deerling will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Sawsbuck will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Rockruff will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Lycanroc will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Fomantis will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Lurantis will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Skwovet will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Stunky will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Skuntank will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Galarian Meowth
Galarian Meowth will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Perrserker will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Girafarig will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Phanpy will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Donphan will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Trailblaze.
Galarian Mr. Mime
Galarian Mr. Mime will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Triple Axel.
Sneasel will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Triple Axel.
Weavile will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Triple Axel.
Hitmontop will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Triple Axel.
Kirlia will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Triple Axel.
Gardevoir will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Triple Axel.
Lopunny will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Triple Axel.
Mr. Rime will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Triple Axel.
Steenee will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Triple Axel.
Tsareena will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Triple Axel.
Sandslash will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Scorching Sands.
Ninetales will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Scorching Sands.
Arcanine will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Scorching Sands.
Rapidash will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Scorching Sands.
Entei will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Scorching Sands.
Trapinch will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Scorching Sands.
Vibrava will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Scorching Sands.
Flygon will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Scorching Sands.
Claydol will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Scorching Sands.
Hippowdon will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Scorching Sands.
Magmar will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Scorching Sands.
Magmortar will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Scorching Sands.
Diggersby will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Scorching Sands.
Excadrill will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Scorching Sands.
Sandygast will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Scorching Sands.
Palossand will now be able to learn the Charged Attack Scorching Sands.

Please be aware of your surroundings and follow guidelines from local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO. Upcoming events are subject to change. Be sure to follow us on social media, opt in to receiving push notifications, and subscribe to our emails to stay updated. For the latest on in-game events and feature updates, be sure to check this help center article.

—The Pokémon GO team

Source: Official Pokémon GO blog

Source: Pokemon

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