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HomeComic BooksSavage Red Sonja #1 delivers an ok start

Savage Red Sonja #1 delivers an ok start

Savage Red Sonja #1

Tasked with retrieving a long-hidden gem from a crumbled, ancient kingdom, the She-Devil With a Sword is traveling alone through a dangerous wasteland when fate intervenes, and her solo adventure is sidetracked by a wayward prince and his bride as they try desperately to escape from fearsome desert bandits – only to be attacked by a monstrous beast from beneath the sands! Savage Red Sonja #1 isn’t a bad start, it just doesn’t really stand out from the pack.

Written by Dan Panosian, Savage Red Sonja #1 has the She-Devil on a mission for riches and a solo adventure. She randomly comes across two individuals running from bandits and from there, some action.

Panosian hits the beats and delivers some entertaining sequences but Savage Red Sonja #1 doesn’t quite click overall. There’s a randomness about events that doesn’t quite flow nicely.

There’s also some things just feel rather too random and thrown out there, like a wayward prince who’s all too happy to give a lot of information to a random stranger he just met.

There’s a lot of that sort of things that makes the debut entertaining but one to not to think too much about. It just happens as opposed to a story where things connect or become necessary steps.

The art by Alession Patillo is good but again doesn’t stand out too much. With color by Francesco Segala and lettering by Dave Sharpe, everything looks good but none of it really stands out. There’s some good action but none of those types of scenes really get you to stop and linger.

Savage Red Sonja #1 isn’t a bad comic but it doesn’t really stand out from the other Red Sonja comic out there and there’s nothing so far that feels very “savage.” It’s perfectly fine sword and sorcery it just doesn’t go beyond much than that.

Story: Dan Panosian Art: Alessio Patillo
Color: Francesco Segala Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Story: 7.0 Art: 7.25 Overall: 7.0 Recommendation: Read

Dynamite Entertainment provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicsKindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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