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HomeComic BooksBoom! StudiosRanger Academy #1 delivers a familiar and fun concept for all

Ranger Academy #1 delivers a familiar and fun concept for all

Ranger Academy #1

If you had a chance to join the Power Rangers, would you do it? Would you test your might as a Red Ranger, never surrender as a Black Ranger, inspire those around you as a Pink Ranger, show no fear as a Yellow Ranger, or prove that you’re the smartest kid on the team as a Blue Ranger? Enroll today! Ranger Academy #1 kicks off an interesting addition to the world of Power Rangers. It acts as a perfect entry point for all to enjoy.

13-year-old Sage lives on an isolated lunar colony with her adoptive father. Her days on the farm will change forever when she comes across a wreckage with wounded passengers. They’re people from an academy training to be something called… POWER RANGERS! Writer Maria Ingrande sets up Ranger Academy #1 with a concept we’ve seen before. A kid rebels from their parents and sneaks off for adventure. It’s not a new idea and one that has been done over and over. But, Ranger Academy #1 does it with an enthusiasm and bewilderment that makes it stand out and sucks you in.

I don’t know a ton about the Power Rangers. I’ve read some of the comics and enjoyed them and seen a few episodes of the television show. It’s not a property I ever got into. But, I could get into this. Ranger Academy #1 is a solid start. Ingrande does a great job of introducing Sage, and the reader, to this world. I have no idea if this school has been in anything else, but as someone relatively new to the property, the comic feels like an excellent entry point into not just this aspect but the Power Rangers as a whole. You don’t need to have any knowledge of them. You can dive in and just enjoy the adventure. I’m sure fans of the Power Rangers will get more out of it. But, as someone new, it does a great job of easing me into the world.

The art by Jo Mi-Gyeong is solid. With color by Fabiana Mascolo and lettering by Cardinal Rae and Ed Dukeshire, the comic’s look has youthful energy that its characters exude. Much like the Power Rangers show itself, the comic and what’s shown has a grounded sci-fi aspect about it. While it’s clearly a fantastical world, it doesn’t do it in a way that distracts or gets you focused on small details. Instead, it looks sci-fi, it looks alien, there’s a slickness about it that it’s not our world, but it looks more futuristic than alien. It delivers some wonder in a clean look like we see in Star Wars’ High Republic and Star Trek than some dirty grimy sci-fi story we might see elsewhere.

Ranger Academy #1 also features some excellent backmatter material that expands the world a bit further, acting as a guide to the Academy. You don’t need to read it at all but it adds a bit to the story and likely will get readers more excited for what’s to come.

Is Ranger Academy #1 groundbreaking? No, it’s something we’ve seen before. But, it’s done in a way that’s a lot of fun and full of energy to suck readers in and excited to see what’s next.

Story: Maria Ingrande Mora Art: Jo Mi-Gyeong
Color: Fabiana Mascolo Letterer: Cardinal Rae, Ed Dukeshire
Story: 8.4 Art: 8.4 Overall: 8.4 Recommendation: Buy

BOOM! Studios provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: TFAWZeus ComicsKindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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