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Niantic announce official meetup at Cidade São Paulo Shopping Mall in São Paulo, Brazil, to celebrate Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global

Niantic is continuing to announce new events and content for Pokémon GO. Read on below to learn more:

Celebrate with notable Trainers in Brazil during Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global!

Celebrate with notable Trainers in Brazil during Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global!


To celebrate Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global, we’re delighted to announce a very special meetup at Cidade São Paulo Shopping Mall in São Paulo, Brazil! Trainers will be able to take part in exciting activities and meet special guests!

Happening August 26 and 27, 2023, this meetup will have physical PokéStops, photo ops, and tons of activities for new and veteran Trainers alike.

Trainers will also have the chance to meet notable Trainers from the community over the two event days. Each notable Trainer will have designated daily activities you can take part in, plus autographs and photo ops!

Not in São Paulo for the celebration? No problem! There will be celebrations all over Brazil in select parks, with local community leaders leading fun activities!

Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global Meetup in São Paulo

August 26 and 27, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time each day

Cidade São Paulo Shopping Mall
Paulista Av., 1230 – Bela Vista, São Paulo/SP – Brazil

Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global across Brazil

There will also be local celebrations all over Brazil, with local community leaders leading exciting activities!

Date & Time
August 26 and 27, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time

Locations – Parks in Brazil

  • Alfenas/MG – Praça Getúlio Vargas
  • Amargosa/BA – Praça do Bosque
  • Belém/PA – Estação das Docas
  • Belo Horizonte/MG – Praça da Liberdade
  • Boa Vista/RR – Praça da Pirâmide
  • Brasília/DF – Parque Ana Lídia
  • Curitiba/PR – Passeio Público
  • Fortaleza/CE – Parque do Cocó
  • Goiânia/GO – Parque Flamboyant
  • João Pessoa/PB – UFPB – Praça do CCHLA
  • Londrina/PR – Praça Marechal Floriano Peixoto
  • Manaus/AM – CSU do Parque 10
  • Mogi das Cruzes/SP – Parque Centenário
  • Natal/RN – UFRN – Setor de Aulas II
  • Piracicaba/SP – Engenho Central de Piracicaba
  • Porto Alegre/RS – Parque Moinhos de Vento (Parcão)
  • Recife/PE – Praça do Marco Zero
  • Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Quinta da Boa Vista
  • Salto/SP – Praça Antônio Vieira Tavares
  • Salvador/BA – Shopping Salvador
  • Santo André/SP – Parque Central
  • São José do Rio Preto/SP – Parque da Represa Municipal
  • São José/SC – Beira Mar de São José
  • São Luís/MA – Palácio dos Leões
  • São Paulo/SP – Parque Ibirapuera – Oca (Portões 1 e 2)
  • Sete Lagoas/MG – Praça da Feirinha
  • Sobral/CE – Praça São João
  • Teófilo Otoni/MG – Praça Tiradentes
  • Vila Velha/ES – Parque da Prainha

We hope Trainers in Brazil enjoy the exciting celebrations going on all across the country!

Please be aware of your surroundings and follow guidelines from local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO. Upcoming events are subject to change. Be sure to follow us on social media, opt in to receiving push notifications, and subscribe to our emails to stay updated.

—The Pokémon GO team

Source: Official Pokémon GO blog

The biggest Pokémon GO event of the year features unique habitats, Shiny Pokémon, and more.

Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global promises a whirlwind of excitement, so buckle up, Trainers! The excitement begins Saturday, August 26, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time and picks up the following day, August 27, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time. Each day is a unique experience, although some event bonuses will be in place throughout the entire event. These event-long bonuses include the following.

  • Lure Modules will last for one hour.
  • Friendship bonus damage in raids will be twice as effective.
  • The Remote Raid limit will increase to 20 per day.
  • The following Pokémon will know featured attacks when they’re evolved during the event.
    • Evolve Metapod to get a Butterfree that knows the Fast Attack Bug Bite.
    • Evolve Sandshrew to get a Sandslash that knows the Charged Attack Night Slash.
    • Evolve Clefairy to get a Clefable that knows the Fast Attack Pound.
    • Evolve Vibrava to get a Flygon that knows the Charged Attack Earth Power.
    • Evolve Shelgon to get a Salamence that knows the Charged Attack Outrage.
    • Evolve Metang to get a Metagross that knows the Charged Attack Meteor Mash.

The event features four unique habitats that will rotate every hour. Different Pokémon will appear in each habitat, so be sure to check them all out!

  • Quartz Terrarium: Pikachu wearing a quartz crown, Clefairy, Lickitung, Heracross, Miltank, Wurmple, Whismur, Skitty, Luvdisc, East Sea Shellos, Buneary, Audino, Foongus, and Morelull
  • Pyrite Sands: Pikachu wearing a pyrite crown, Sandshrew, Alolan Diglett, Psyduck, Girafarig, Shuckle, Trapinch, Gible, Hippopotas, Timburr, Joltik, Binacle, Helioptile, and Grubbin
  • Malachite Wilderness: Caterpie, Pikachu wearing a malachite crown, Bellsprout, Scyther, Snorlax wearing a cowboy hat, Spinarak, Remoraid, Roselia, Snover, Cottonee, Ferroseed, Stunfisk, Fomantis, and Oranguru
  • Aquamarine Shores: Pikachu wearing an aquamarine crown, Horsea, Lapras, Marill, Wobbuffet, Carvanha, Barboach, Bagon, Beldum, West Sea Shellos, Woobat, Tympole, Goomy, and Mareanie

For Trainers that enjoy battling, this is a great opportunity to train up several Pokémon that are strong contenders in the GO Battle League. Clefairy evolves into Clefable, which does well in the Great League and is a top choice in the Ultra League. Lickitung is considered an absolute powerhouse in the Great League, but Trainers who want to help their Lickitung reach its full potential will require a lot of Candy and Candy XL. Bunnelby’s Evolution, Diggersby, has had some luck in the Great League. Snorlax and Shadow Snorlax are solid choices in all levels of the GO Battle League, although they aren’t the most popular. Stunfisk is a frequent sight in the Great League. And certainly not least, Beldum’s final Evolution, Metagross, is a heavy hitter in the Master League.

In addition to themed habitats, there will be plenty of opportunities to take part in raids.

  • One-star raids:
    • Pikachu wearing a quartz crown
    • Pikachu wearing a pyrite crown
    • Pikachu wearing a malachite crown
    • Pikachu wearing an aquamarine crown
    • Goomy
  • Two-star raids:
  • Three-star raids:
    • Snorlax wearing a cowboy hat
  • Primal Raids:
    • Primal Kyogre
    • Primal Groudon

There won’t be any rotating habitats on Sunday—instead, any Pokémon from Saturday’s habitats may appear in the wild. But the true star of GO Fest 2023 is undoubtedly Mega Rayquaza, which makes its global debut on Sunday. Keep an eye out for Meteorites, a new item in Pokémon GO that can be acquired via Special Research. Giving Rayquaza a Meteorite will allow it to learn the Charged Attack Dragon Ascent. Rayquaza that know Dragon Ascent will then be able to Mega Evolve when given Mega Energy. In addition to Mega Rayquaza, the same Pokémon that appeared in raids on Saturday will also appear on Sunday.

Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global is a free event available to everyone, but Trainers can upgrade their experience by purchasing a ticket that gives access to special content and bonuses. Tickets are available in the in-game shop for US$14.99, or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency, and provide access to exclusive Special Research, Global Challenges, bonuses, and exclusive Incense encounters. On Saturday, ticket holders can complete Special Research for an opportunity to encounter the Mythical Pokémon Diancie. On Sunday, the exclusive Special Research will feature Mega Rayquaza and Meteorites. During habitat hours on Saturday, Trainers with tickets can work together to complete challenges—if they’re successful, those Trainers will earn a special bonus for the remainder of that habitat hour. Also, throughout the event, ticket holders who activate Incense—excluding Daily Adventure Incense—will attract the following Pokémon.

  • Quartz Terrarium: Hisuian Growlithe, Unown A, Unown D, Unown I, Unown M, Unown N, Unown O
  • Pyrite Sands: Unown A, Unown D, Unown I, Unown M, Unown N, Unown O, Pawniard
  • Malachite Wilderness: Unown A, Unown D, Unown I, Unown M, Unown N, Unown O, Carnivine
  • Aquamarine Shores: Unown A, Unown D, Unown I, Unown M, Unown N, Unown O, Pachirisu

Additional ticket-holder exclusives include the following bonuses.

  • Increased chance of encountering Shiny Pokémon
  • Up to six Special Trades each day
  • Up to 9 free Raid Passes from spinning Photo Discs at Gyms
  • Special 7 km Eggs

Happy Pokémon GO Fest, Trainers!


Pokémon GO Fest takes over August 2023 with a month packed with events!

The biggest Pokémon GO event of the year is back, and Trainers can look forward to two gameplay areas in each city!

Join with millions of Pokémon GO fans from around the world and get ready for double the adventures, double the exclusive gameplay opportunities, and even some mythical surprises—welcome to Pokémon GO Fest 2023!

Pokémon GO Fest 2023 Real-World Locations

The best way to experience Pokémon GO Fest is in-person, and we’re excited to announce the three cities hosting GO Fest 2023 events!

London, England

August 4, 5, and 6, 2023

Fresh from hosting the 2022 Pokémon World Championships, England’s exciting capital city will welcome Trainers to help kick off the opening weekend of Pokémon GO Fest 2023! Get ready to head to London and enjoy exploring the European host city for Pokémon GO Fest 2023!

Osaka, Japan

August 4, 5, and 6, 2023

Our Asia region host city for Pokémon GO Fest 2023 is Osaka, Japan! Osaka is hosting a GO Fest event for the first time. We can’t wait to bring GO Fest adventures back to Japan!

New York City, USA

August 18, 19, and 20, 2023

Kicking off the second weekend of Pokémon GO Fest 2023 is our New York City event! Join thousands of Trainers from all over the world and experience all the Big Apple has to offer!

Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global

There will also be a concluding two-day digital event available to Trainers around the world! Join millions of other Trainers and play from anywhere during this special digital GO Fest 2023 event.

Global event tickets are also available now! Global tickets will be available to purchase up until the last day of the event—unlike the in-person events, Trainers don’t need to worry about the global event selling out!

More information for all four events will be shared at a later date.

August 26 – 27, 2023


A global event will crown the final weekend of Pokémon GO Fest 2023! Join millions of Trainers and experience your slice of the world in a whole new way!

A mythical glimmering—Diancie makes its global debut!

After its appearance in London, Osaka, and New York City, the Mythical Pokémon Diancie will make its global debut during the first day of Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global.

Ticket-holding Trainers will be able to complete exclusive Special Research to learn more about the Jewel Pokémon—and get an opportunity to encounter it!

A glittering gathering—Carbink makes its global debut!

Trainers who purchase a Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global ticket by July 5—and play between June 21 and July 5—will receive Timed Research that awards an encounter with Carbink! Be one of the first to discover this special Pokémon, which shares the Jewel Pokémon category with Diancie!

Carbink will also appear in Field Research encounters for all Trainers during the global event on August 26 and 27!

Thank you for joining Pokémon GO Fest: London!

We’re so grateful to everyone who joined this year’s Pokémon GO Fest event in London! Our one of a kind community gathered in London to show the world just how passionate they are! #PokemonGOFest2023 #PokemonGO

Source: Official Pokémon GO blog

Source: Pokemon

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