I wasn’t expecting Deadpool to be featured in a Marvel Legends SDCC exclusive, but then again, I probably should have.
You know, with all the Deadpool movie news lately, it only makes sense.
Comicbook just broke the news about the Deadpool and Bob, so check them out for the little bit of info. There’s not many pics at all, hopefully Hasbro will be following up later today.
They say there’s going to be 28 accessories and if you peek the sides of the package Deadpool has an alternate half masked head that looks familiar, and then assorted weapons on the front. Then I’m guessing more hands. 28 is a lot though, I wanna see what else it comes with.
And at first glance you may think “Aw, it’s just the DP and Bob we already have. Nope. The heads may be reuse but the bodies are upgraded. Deadpool is on the newer Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows body, and then Bob is sporting what I think is Sunfire. I don’t know, I’m losing track. I just know they are pinless and not Bucky Cap. No, not the new Bucky Cap, the old Bucky Cap. See what I mean?
Source: Fwoosh