In 2019, The Pokémon Company opened a special YouTube channel called Pokémon Kids TV, which is aimed at young Pokémon fans. You can check out the latest batch of content uploaded to the channel in the embedded video below:
[Pokémon Official] Pokémon Mini Concert in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture ~String Quartet by NHK Symphony Orchestra Members~
The “Pokémon Mini Concert in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture” to be held in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture will be streamed live on the YouTube channel “Pokémon Kids TV”! Let’s enjoy watching together! [Delivery date and time] June 18 (Sun) 17:55-19:00 [Appearance] Fukushima support Pokemon Lucky, Pikachu NHK Symphony Orchestra members Violin Koichi Yokomizo, Yuki Naoi Viola Satoshi Ono Cello Kaeko Mukoyama (former NHK Symphony Orchestra principal) Player) [Special site] https://www.pokemon.jp/special/pokemo…
#Pokemon KidsTV #Pokemon #Lucky #Pikachu #N Hibiki
Pokémon Mini Concert in Kuji City | Classical Music Medley | Kids Music | Pokémon Kids TV
Enjoy the Pokémon Mini Concert in Kuji City, Iwate.
#PokemonKidsTV #Pokemon #PokemonMusic #KidsMusic
[Pokémon Official] Pokémon Mini Concert in Kuji City, Iwate Prefecture-Brass Quintet by NHK Symphony Orchestra Members-
The “Pokémon Mini Concert in Kuji City, Iwate Prefecture” to be held in Kuji City, Iwate Prefecture will be streamed live on the YouTube channel “Pokémon Kids TV”! Let’s enjoy watching together! [Delivery date and time] April 29 (Sat) 14:50-15:10 [Appearance] Iwate Support Pokemon “Ishitsubute” Pikachu NHK Symphony Orchestra members Trumpet Kazuaki Kikumoto, Eiji Yamamoto Horn Hitoshi Imai Trombone Takenori Yoshikawa Bus Trombone Kurogane Hiroyuki [Special Site] https://www.pokemon.jp/special/pokemo…
#Pokemon KidsTV #Pokemon #Ishitsubute #Pikachu #N Hibiki
Pokémon Mini Concert | Classical Music Medley | Kids Music | Pokémon Kids TV
Enjoy the Pokémon Mini Concert held on Dec.18, 2023!
Performers: String Quartet by Members of NHK Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo
Venue: Machinoeki Namie
#PokemonKidsTV #Pokemon #PokemonMusic #KidsMusic
[Pokémon Official] Pokemon Mini Concert in Roadside Station Namie ~String Quartet by NHK Symphony Members~
From 12:30 on Sunday, December 18th, we plan to deliver the “Pokémon Mini Concert in Roadside Station Namie” to be held in Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture! [Delivery date and time] December 18 (Sun) 12:30-13:00 *Archive distribution available [Appearance] Fukushima support Pokemon “Lucky” Pikachu Violin Tsutomu Yamagishi, Kirara Tsuboi Viola Gentaro Sakaguchi Cello Shunsuke Yamauchi [Song] Pokemon Theme songs, Christmas pieces, etc. [Special site]https://www.pokemon.jp/special/pokemo…
#Pokemon Kids TV #Pokémon #lucky #Pikachu #N sound
Pokémon Holiday Special 2 | Holiday Song | Nursery Rhyme | Kids Song | Pokémon Kids TV
Happy Holidays!
A special compilation of Pokémon Kids TV Holiday season videos!
Let’s have fun and sing together with Pokémon!
00:20 Jingle Bells – Adventure on the Sea –
02:28 Pokémon Wonderful Holiday
04:16 Happy Pika-Pika Holiday
07:21 Where Do The Presents Go?
11:19 Jingle Bells (Dance Ver.)
13:54 Deck the Halls
16:08 Jingle Bells
#PokemonKidsTV #Pokemon #PokemonSong #KidsSong
【ポケモン公式】ポケモン・クリスマス・スペシャル2-ポケモン Kids TV【こどものうた】
00:20 ジングルベル ~海のぼうけん~
02:28 ポケモンワンダフルクリスマス
04:16 ハッピカピーホリデイ!
07:20 クリスマスプレゼントはどこへ!? | クラシックメドレー(くるみ割り人形メドレー)
11:19 ジングルベル ~ ダンスバージョン~
13:53 童謡「ひいらぎかざろう」
15:58 童謡「ゆき」
17:54 童謡「クリスマスのうた」
20:02 童謡「ジングルベル」
#ポケモンKidsTV #ポケモンのうた #クリスマス #ポケモン #こどものうた #童謡
Pokémon Holiday Special | Holiday Song | Nursery Rhyme | Kids Song | Pokémon Kids TV
Happy Holidays!
A special compilation of Pokémon Kids TV Holiday season videos!
Let’s have fun and sing together with Pokémon!
0:00 Pokémon Holiday Special Intro
0:11 Deck the Halls
2:26 Jingle Bells
5:00 Winter Wonderland
7:02 Happy Pika-Pika Holiday
10:16 Jingle Bells (Dance Ver.)
#PokemonKidsTV #Pokemon #PokemonSong #KidsSong
【ポケモン公式】ポケモン・クリスマス・スペシャル-ポケモン Kids TV【こどものうた】
0:00 ポケモン・クリスマス・スペシャル イントロ
0:11 ジングルベル
2:46 ひいらぎかざろう
5:01 Winter Wonderland
7:02 クリスマスのうた
9:00 ゆき
10:55 Jingle Bells
13:32 すてきなゆきげしき
15:32 ハッピかピーホリデイ!
18:47 Deck the Halls
21:02 ジングルベル ~ ダンスバージョン ~
#ポケモンKidsTV #ポケモンのうた #クリスマス #ポケモン #こどものうた #童謡
Happy Pika-Pika Holiday | Holiday Song | Nursery Rhyme | Kids Song | Pokémon Kids TV
Happy Pika Pika Holiday!
Let’s get into the holiday mood
and have fun together with Pikachu & Eevee!
#PokemonKidsTV #Pokemon #PokemonSong #KidsSong
【ポケモン公式】ハッピカピーホリデイ!-ポケモン Kids TV【こどものうた】
#ポケモンKidsTV #ポケモンのうた #クリスマス #ポケモン #こどものうた #童謡
Jingle Bells (Dance ver.) | Holiday Song | Kids Dance Song | Kids Song | Pokémon Kids TV
Sing along and get into the holiday mood!
The dance version of “Jingle Bells” featuring Pikachu and Eevee!!
Let’s sing and dance along together!
Check out Jingle Bells (3D version) here:
#PokemonKidsTV #Pokemon #PokemonSong #KidsSong
【ポケモン公式】ジングルベル ~ ダンスバージョン~-ポケモン Kids TV【こどものうた】
人気の童謡「ジングルベル」のダンス動画だよ !
3Dバージョン (日本語版) はこちら
3Dバージョン (英語版) はこちら
#ポケモンKidsTV #ポケモンのうた #クリスマス #ポケモン #こどものうた #童謡
Pokémon Kids TV |Jingle Bells | Kids Song
【ポケモン公式】童謡「ジングルベル」クリスマス-ポケモン Kids TV【こどものうた】
Video: New Pokémon Kids TV video features the Happy Birthday song
Video: New Pokémon Kids TV video features Rolling Poké Balls rhythm video
Video: New Pokémon Kids TV song features Pokémon Pikaboo!
Video: Picture book starring Pikachu and Squirtle now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Picture book starring Staravia, Mudkip and Meowth now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Pokémon Kids TV nursery rhyme stars helpless Magikarp
Video: Pokémon Kids TV picture book features Totodile, Chikorita, Dunsparce and Cyndaquil
Video: Pokémon Kids TV picture book features Totodile, Chikorita, Dunsparce and Cyndaquil
Video: Experience Expedition Pikachu now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Pokémon Kids TV nursery rhyme stars sleeping Snorlax blocking a path
Video: Official Pikachu mascot talks about its Experience Expedition on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Listen to the official Pokémon Lulling Lullaby on Pokémon Kids TV
Videos: Mary had a little lamb now available in English and Japanese on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: The Forest of Reversals picture book now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Videos: If You’re Happy and You Know It now available in English and Japanese on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Official tutorial version of I Love Pikachu and Eevee now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Amefuri nursery rhyme now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Official Pikachu mascot learns about its Experience Expedition on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Old MacDonald Had a Farm now playing in English and Japanese on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Spot the Pokémon game now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Pikachu attends real-life wedding during Experience Expedition on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Official mascots for Pikachu and Geodude stretch with kids on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: The Night of the Shooting Star picture book now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Urashima Tarō children’s song now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Agriculture nursery rhyme now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Dunsparce’s Game of Tag picture book now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Japan Coast Guard Sea Edition of Experience Expedition Pikachu now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Light Up, Pikachu! guessing quiz now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Experience Expedition Pikachu takes Pikachu to the Japan Coast Guard for Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Experience Expedition Pikachu visits Game Freak studio and Junichi Masuda for Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Hometown nursery rhyme now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Three Blind Mice (Mouse Pokémon) now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Classical music medley featuring the Flight of Mewtwo now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Pikachu and Eevee visit YouTube Space in Tokyo for Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Sort and Classify game starring Eevee now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Yama No Ongaku nursery rhyme now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Mysterious Taiko Pokémon Daisuki picture book now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Story of young female Trainer and her Rockruff now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Official Pikachu mascot visits the Tokyo Strawberry Park for Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Pokémon Chase guessing game now available for Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Mysterious Ghost Manor starring Mimikyu now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Official Pikachu mascot visits the DeNA Baystars baseball team for Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Momiji nursery rhyme now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Source: Pokemon