In 2019, The Pokémon Company opened a special Japanese YouTube channel called Pokémon Kids TV, which is aimed at young Pokémon fans. You can check out the latest episode of the Pokémon Quest-inspired “Cube-Shaped Pokémon on Cubie Island?!” short animation series below:
Cube-Shaped Pokémon on Cubie Island?! EP03: Spooky Forest | Pokémon Fun Video | Pokémon Kids TV
The third episode of the “Cube-Shaped Pokémon on Cubie Island?!” short animation series.
Episode 3: Spooky Forest
Pikachu and Psyduck met up with Jigglypuff.
To get some Berry, they head into the spooky forest…
Check out “Episode 1: A Chance Encounter” here:
• Cube-Shaped Pokém…
Check out “Episode 2: Eyes In the Cave” here:
• Cube-Shaped Pokém…
Look forward to the upcoming episodes!
#PokemonKidsTV #Pokemon #PokemonFunVideo
【公式】 「マルジャナイ島のシカクなポケモン!?」 第3話 「ぶきみな もり」
第3話「ぶきみな もり」を公開!
第1話「きぐうな であい」のお話はこちら!
• 【公式】 「マルジャナイ島のシカク…
第2話「どうくつの め」のお話はこちら!
• 【公式】 「マルジャナイ島のシカク…
#シカポケ #ポケモン #ポケットモンスター
Cube-Shaped Pokémon on Cubie Island?! EP02: Eyes In the Cave | Pokémon Fun Video | Pokémon Kids TV
The second episode of the “Cube-Shaped Pokémon on Cubie Island?!” short animation series.
Episode 2: Eyes In the Cave
Pikachu had a chance encounter with Psyduck on Cubie Island.
What do they do from here on?
Check out “Episode 1: A Chance Encounter” here:
• Cube-Shaped Pokém…
Look forward to the upcoming episodes!
#PokemonKidsTV #Pokemon #PokemonFunVideo
【公式】 「マルジャナイ島のシカクなポケモン!?」 第2話 「どうくつの め」
第2話「どうくつの め」を公開!
第1話「きぐうな であい」はこちら!
• 【公式】 「マルジャナイ島のシカク…
#シカポケ #ポケモン #ポケットモンスター
Cube-Shaped Pokémon on Cubie Island?! EP01: A Chance Encounter | Pokémon Kids TV
The first episode of the “Cube-Shaped Pokémon on Cubie Island?!” short animation series.
Episode 1: A Chance Encounter
One day, Pikachu was washed ashore on Cubie Island.
Confused and lonely, what will Pikachu do?
Look forward to the upcoming episodes!
#PokemonKidsTV #Pokemon #PokemonFunVideo
【公式】 「マルジャナイ島のシカクなポケモン!?」 第1話 「きぐうな であい」
第1話「きぐうな であい」を公開!
#シカポケ #ポケモン #ポケットモンスター
©2023 Pokémon. ©1995-2023 Nintendo/Creatures Inc. /GAME FREAK inc.
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Video: Pokémon Kids TV picture book features Totodile, Chikorita, Dunsparce and Cyndaquil
Video: Experience Expedition Pikachu now available on Pokémon Kids TV
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Video: Official Pikachu mascot talks about its Experience Expedition on Pokémon Kids TV
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Videos: Mary had a little lamb now available in English and Japanese on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: The Forest of Reversals picture book now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Videos: If You’re Happy and You Know It now available in English and Japanese on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Official tutorial version of I Love Pikachu and Eevee now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Amefuri nursery rhyme now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Official Pikachu mascot learns about its Experience Expedition on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Old MacDonald Had a Farm now playing in English and Japanese on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Spot the Pokémon game now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Pikachu attends real-life wedding during Experience Expedition on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Official mascots for Pikachu and Geodude stretch with kids on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: The Night of the Shooting Star picture book now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Urashima Tarō children’s song now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Agriculture nursery rhyme now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Dunsparce’s Game of Tag picture book now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Japan Coast Guard Sea Edition of Experience Expedition Pikachu now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Light Up, Pikachu! guessing quiz now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Experience Expedition Pikachu takes Pikachu to the Japan Coast Guard for Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Experience Expedition Pikachu visits Game Freak studio and Junichi Masuda for Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Hometown nursery rhyme now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Three Blind Mice (Mouse Pokémon) now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Classical music medley featuring the Flight of Mewtwo now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Pikachu and Eevee visit YouTube Space in Tokyo for Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Sort and Classify game starring Eevee now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Yama No Ongaku nursery rhyme now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Mysterious Taiko Pokémon Daisuki picture book now available on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Story of young female Trainer and her Rockruff now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Official Pikachu mascot visits the Tokyo Strawberry Park for Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Pokémon Chase guessing game now available for Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Mysterious Ghost Manor starring Mimikyu now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Official Pikachu mascot visits the DeNA Baystars baseball team for Pokémon Kids TV
Video: Momiji nursery rhyme now playing on Pokémon Kids TV
Source: Pokemon