Come to the Baltimore Comic-Con this September 8-10 at the Baltimore Convention Center in the Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. Tickets to the show are now available.
Baltimore Comic-Con’s annual tradition, the Baltimore Comic-Con Yearbook, returns in 2023 for the eleventh year, celebrating creators and friends of the show. This year’s book of art features interpretations of characters from the first generation of independent comics – Howard Chaykin’s American Flagg, Mike Grell’s Jon Sable and Starslayer, Steve Rude’s Nexus, John Ostrander & Timothy Truman’s Grimjack, Joe Staton’s E-Man, and Mark Wheatley & Marc Hempel’s Mars. Celebrating 40 years in 2023, the yearbook will feature these characters alongside other guests’ creator-owned properties!

Beautifully designed by returning guest and Cupid’s Arrows, Warning Label, Time and Vine, and Love and Capes creator Thom Zahler, the book comes in a standard and, for VIP ticketholders, a limited VIP cover edition.
Noted editor Mike Gold helped to bring together some of the ground-breaking and popular creators of the day at First Comics, one of the earliest independent comic book publishing companies. Asked to publish their own creations, in a format for the direct market, these new creations covered more than traditional super-heroes, expanding further science fiction and adventure than the traditional publishers. The social commentary, mature content, and a viewpoint that expanded past spandex and capes were a new step in the evolution of comic book and graphic storytelling.
Noted editor Mike Gold helped to bring together some of the ground-breaking and popular creators of the day at First Comics, one of the earliest independent comic book publishing companies. Asked to publish their own creations, in a format for the direct market, these new creations covered more than traditional super-heroes, expanding further science fiction and adventure than the traditional publishers. The social commentary, mature content, and a viewpoint that expanded past spandex and capes were a new step in the evolution of comic book and graphic storytelling.
These characters are creations that remain vibrant and available in current times as well, with recent collections, Kickstarters, and new stories available and coming soon.
The Baltimore Comic-Con scavenger hunt, which has become a must-do activity for many of our fans, will be back in 2023! When you buy the book, you’ll get a list of Yearbook contributors and their table numbers. Participants succeeding in acquiring the appropriate quota of autographs from contributors can then get their choice of bonus prints — and it’s a great way to meet our guests!
Art created for the 2023 Baltimore Comic-Con Yearbook Featuring Characters at the Crossroads will be auctioned off at the Baltimore Comic-Con Art Auction on Saturday, September 9th. Fans and art collectors alike won’t want to miss this opportunity to win these one-of-a-kind items, only available at the Baltimore Comic-Con!
The book will be sold in the Exclusives Booth in the lobby. The book will be available at the Baltimore Comic-Con for $29.99. The art auction featuring original art from the book will be held during the show weekend of September 8-10, 2023.
This year’s confirmed guests for the show include: Dan Abdo (Blue, Barry & Pancakes), Arthur Adams (Longshot), Sarah Andersen (Sarah’s Scribbles), Art Baltazar (Yahgz), Jeremy Bastian (Dune: House Harkonnen), Marty Baumann (Pixar artist), Carolyn Belefsky (Curls), Brian Michael Bendis (Action Comics), Jon Bogdanove (The Death of Superman), Judy Bogdanove (Steel Annual), Russ Braun (The Boys), Dan Brereton (Nocturnals), Harold Buchholz (Sweetest Beasts), Mark Buckingham (Fables), Greg Burnham (Tuskegee Heirs), Jim Calafiore (NED, Lord of the Pit), Chris Campana (Death Dealer), Joe Carabeo (Black Magic Tales), Richard Case (Edgar Allan Poe’s Snifter of Terror), Howard Chaykin (Time Squared), Jo Chen (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Jim Cheung (Young Avengers), Frank Cho (Harley Quinn), Amy Chu (KISS: The End), Brian Clevinger (Atomic Robo), Steve Conley (The Middle Age), Katie Cook (Nothing Special), Nick Davis (Night Guardians), Deans Family (Crass Fed), Abby Denson (Uniquely Japan), Todd Dezago (The Perhapanauts), Derec Donovan (Adventures of Superman), Jan Duursema (Star Wars: The High Republic), Garth Ennis (The Boys), David Finch (Moon Knight), Tony Fleecs (Stray Dogs), Chris Flick (Capes and Babes), Scott Fogg (Phileas Reid Knows We’re Not Alone), Tana Ford (LaGuardia), Trish Forstner (Stray Dogs), Franco (Fae and the Moon), John Gallagher (Max Meow), Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (DC Nation), Jimmy Gownley (Amelia Rules!), Mike Grell (Jon Sable), Dawn Griffin (Zorphbert & Fred), Chris Gugilotti (Teen Titans Go!), Gene Ha (Mae), Laura Lee Gulledge (Page by Paige), Bob Hall (West Coast Avengers), Cully Hamner (Blue Beetle), Bo Hampton (Batman: Castle of the Bat), Brian Haberlin (Spawn), Tony Harris (The Whistling Skull), Dean Haspiel (Covid Cop), Mike Hawthorne (Deadpool), Marc Hempel (Sandman), Greg Hildebrandt (Star Wars), Morry Hollowell (Old Man Logan), Jamal Igle (Superman), Mark Irwin (Green Lantern), Klaus Janson (Daredevil), Dave Johnson (100 Bullets), Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Alien), J.G. Jones (Wanted), Kata Kane (Altar Girl), Chris Kemple (Artist Alley Comics), Barry Kitson (Amazing Spider-Man), Jae Lee (Inhumans), Jeff Lemire (Black Hammer), Nate Lovett (Dungeons & Dragons), Matthew Loux (Prunella and the Cursed Skull Ring), Kevin Maguire (Justice League), Tom Mandrake (Spectre), Laura Martin (Nubia: Queen of the Amazons), Mariano Brothers (Claire Lost Her Bear at the World’s Fair), Ron Marz (Green Lantern), Jason May (LEGO Club Magazine), Bob McLeod (New Mutants), Adriana Melo (Action Comics), Pop Mhan (Gears of War 3), Al Milgrom (Spectacular Spider-Man), Karl Moline (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Mark Morales (Thor), Trevor Mueller (Re-Possessed), Sarah Myer (Monstrous: A Transracial Adoption Story), Jamar Nicholas (Leon: Protector of the Playground), Jason Patterson (Blue, Barry & Pancakes), David Pepose (Savage Avengers), David Petersen (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Usagi Yojimbo: WhereWhen), Brandon Peterson (Uncanny X-Men), Richard and Wendy Pini (Elfquest), Ed Piskor (Red Room: Trigger Warnings), Joe Prado (Superman), Tom Raney (Green Lantern), Afua Richardson (Omni), Christopher Ring (Seamus (the Famous)), Don Rosa (Uncle Scrooge), Peter Rostovsky (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Freshman Force), Craig Rousseau (The Perhapanauts), Arsia Rozegar (Shahnameh For Kids), Steve Rude (Nexus), Jim Rugg (Hulk Grand Design), Andy Runton (Owly), Alex Saviuk (Web of Spider-Man), Stuart Sayger (The Joker), Alex Simmons (Archie), Louise Simonson (The Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special), Walter Simonson (Thor), Matt Slay (Equilibrium), John K. Snyder III (Suicide Squad), Sozomaika (DC Power: A Celebration), Mark Sparacio (Omega Paradox), Joe Staton (Dick Tracy), Philip Tan (Web of Carnage), John Timms (Superman: Son of Kal-El), Peter Tomasi (Batman and Robin), Gus Vazquez (Sunfire and Big Hero Six), Emilio Velez Jr. (The Dodgeball Teens), Wade von Grawbadger (Justice League), Adam Wallenta (Punk Taco), Todd Webb (Mr. Toast Comics), Scott Wegener (Atomic Robo), Joey Weiser (Ghost Hog), Mark Wheatley (Skultar), Emily S. Whitten (The Underfoot), Keith Williams (Thor the Worthy), Marcus Williams (Tuskegee Heirs), Rich Woodall (Electric Black), John Workman (Wild Things), Caitlin Yarsky (Black Hammer Reborn), and Thom Zahler (Love and Capes).
Source: Graphic Policy