The Mystery Flesh Pit National Park RPG has launched on Kickstarter. The game, based on the popular website of the same name, has raised over $12,000 from its $15,000 goal with 29 days left to go. The campaign will end on June 1, giving fans plenty of time to get involved and help bring this unique and bizarre world to life.
The Mystery Flesh Pit National Park RPG is set in an alternate 1973 timeline, in which oilmen accidentally drill into a living behemoth spread over hundreds of miles beneath the dusty plains of west Texas. The behemoth is home to a vast subterranean geobiological ecosystem filled with enormous anatomical systems and strange phenomena, all of which defies scientific understanding.

Originally a roadside tourist oddity, the Mystery Flesh Pit was brought under Federal control in the 1980s as a National Park. Hundreds of thousands of visitors hiked and toured through the dangerous fleshscape, while out of public view, the secretive Anodyne Corporation exploited the pit’s resources, creating miracle drugs, organic computers, and all manner of equipment necessary for plunging deeper into the abyss.

The goal of the Kickstarter campaign is to fund a ttRPG hardcover print-on-demand book from DriveThruRPG with new art, editing, and the gorgeous layout this project deserves. The game will be powered by the Cypher System, which has already powered ttRPG games based on horror podcasts and dimension-hopping novels.
In gratitude for supporters’ help, there will be an early access manuscript a month or two after the KS ends and a beta PDF delivered before the final one lands in their inbox. As the campaign reaches more stretch goals, more monsters will be added, an adventure trilogy will be created, and there will be a few more surprises along the way.
Source: Tabletop Gaming News