Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeComic BooksThe Nasty #1 sells out before its release

The Nasty #1 sells out before its release

The Nasty #1 sells out before its release

The buzz has been building for months around the debut of John Lees, Adam Cahoon, George Kambadais and Jim Campbell‘s new slasher-inspired horror series The Nasty. Vault Comics has announced the title has completely sold out at the distributor level before its release on April 5, with a second printing on the way! 

The new second printing cover is a an all-new primarily black and white take on the series’ main cover by Adam Cahoon, and is pictured above. Final orders are due for this special second printing alongside orders for issue 2 on Monday April 10 with codes and additional information forthcoming.

Scotland, 1994.

Eighteen-year-old Thumper Connell still has an imaginary friend: the masked killer from his favourite slasher film. Thumper is obsessed with horror and always has been. He fills his time with scary VHS rentals and hanging out with his fellow fans, The Murder Club. But everything changes when his local video shop acquires one of the notorious films known as “video nasties” – films so scary, they’re the target of the British Moral Decency League’s crusade to ban and burn. But it’s only a movie, right? It’s all just imaginary, isn’t it?

A story about the perception of evil, the power of genre, the love of fandom, the need to create art, oh, and crap-your-pants TERROR!”

The Nasty #1

Source: Graphic Policy

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