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HomeComic BooksWhite Savior #3 is a fun issue where the story really unravels

White Savior #3 is a fun issue where the story really unravels

White Savior #3

How do you get people to listen to you when you are not the loudest voice in the room? It becomes damn near difficult for anyone to hear you when certain people are listened to more. It becomes almost suffocating when people obfuscate you at every turn.  That is what made Quantum Leap not only compelling but relatable especially in its current iteration.

In the original series, Sam Beckett often faced uneven odds to correct mistakes from the past. In the new series, Dr. Ben Song has had to deal with the same issues but these feel even more personal, as he is of Korean American descent. It is this fact, which you know he understands the plight of the downtrodden, given the character’s back story that has been revealed. In White Savior #3, we find Todd at a crossroads, knowing he is the only who may be able to stop a deadly blunder from happening.

We find Todd and Maggie shortly after seemingly killed “the hero” , so they do what they can to make sure they don’t get blamed, and hide his body in a liquor barrel. As the two discover that Garin was hired by the opposing clan m so Todd decides to make one more plea to stop the disaster from occurring by posing as Nathan, where they decide to reconvene in the morning, which causes the opposing clan to  become confounded as they realize their plan did not work. Todd returns to the village as a conquering hero when he is greeted by the warlord’s daughter in his quarters, as things get complicated when they find Nathan’s body and mistakenly identify for Todd’s  By the issue’s end, Todd ends up fighting one on one with someone from the opposing clan, who he ends up finding out is his best friend from the present, and from there, everything goes off the rails.

Overall, White Savior #3 is a fun issue where the story really unravels, much to the reader’s delight . The story by Nguyen and Burman, is awesome. The art by the creative team is elegant. Altogether, a story that really gives readers of this series both comedy and action like they have never seen before.

Story: Eric Nguyen and Scott Burman Art: Eric Nguyen
Color: Iwan Joko Triyono Letterer: Micah Myers
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Dark Horse provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: TFAWZeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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