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HomeComic BooksStar Wars: Yoda #5 shows how darkness resides in all of us

Star Wars: Yoda #5 shows how darkness resides in all of us

Star Wars: Yoda #5

What does one o do when they see something bad about to happen? Imagine you knew something was going to happen, and you may have some power to stop it? This si where your moral compass contends with your logical side  This is where we most want to interfere or speak up.

What usually hold people back is the repercussions. As they wonder if it is something they ignore or it something that propels them to act. This is why we should always pay attention to our intuition.  In Star Wars: Yoda #5, Yoda and Dooku must trust the Fore that something dark is amidst.

We are taken to Alaris Prime, 12 years before, where Yoda is summoned to assist, as he meets a young Padawan who would become one of his most gifted students. We fast forward, and one of his students, Krrsisih, is filled with Dark side, as it seethes over his being, creating conflict where there is none. which leads  to Yoda unpack why the Padawan is so troubled, and it all comes down to tribal differences. Dooku arrives looking to help Krrsisih, as he still seeks  answers . By the issue’s end, the initiates are sent out on a wilderness retreat, but trouble arises when Krrsisih decides to fulfill a prophecy he saw in a dream.

Overall, Star Wars: Yoda #5 is an issue which shows how darkness resides in all of us. The story by Houser is exhilarating.  The art by the creative team is dazzling. Altogether, a story that being slow to hate, is harder than anyone can imagine.

Story: Jody Houser Art: Luke Ross
Color: Nolan Woodard Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: TFAWZeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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