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HomeComic BooksSuperman Lost #1 kicks off an intriguing mystery

Superman Lost #1 kicks off an intriguing mystery

Superman Lost #1

DC is celebrating 85 years of Superman (technically 90 since he was created) with Superman Lost, an intriguing series. After a mission with the Justice League, Superman returns home and reveals he’s been lost for 20 years. Superman Lost #1 kicks off a mystery that feels a bit like a horror story as much as anything else.

Written by Priest with the story also by artist Carlo Pagulayan, Superman Lost #1 begins like an superhero comic. Lois and Clark go back and forth over a breaking story involving a politician caught with a lot of cash when the Man of Steel is called away on a mission. From there, the Justice League must prevent war over a crashed alien ship with a secret.

Superman Lost #1 is an intriguing start to the series but as a whole, something feels rather off. Things start that way and then get more odd as the issue progresses.

First, there’s the issue of a possibly crooked politician. While it absolutely makes sense Lois would be all over the story and suspicious over things, Clark’s dismissal of it all still feels rather off. No speeches about believing in the best of people and the money can be explained. No doubt at all. He’s almost aloof in this sense, coming off as rather disconnected from reality and Lois. It’s not until moments before he runs off that you feel a connection between Clark and Lois.

From there, it’s rather paint by numbers with the Justice League with Priest’s Superman coming off a bit more stiff as usual and that’s compounded on his return home. Yes, he’s been gone 20 years but it’s almost body snatchers like with no emotional read as opposed to someone who has missed his wife and comes home to her, finding her unchanged. There’s again a weird emotional disconnect. As a whole, the comic feels like a shock, like bad news has dropped from the beginning, leaving everyone hard to connect with.

The art by Carlo Pagulayan is fun. With ink by Jason Pax, color by Jeromy Cox, and lettering by Willie Schubert, the comic has a classic feel about it. The action has each Justice League member having their moment with over the top action that’s somewhat cinematic. Then there’s the quieter moments, especially the end of the comic, where a feel of dread pervades the comic. There’s an ominous aspect to it.

Superman Lost #1 is an oddity of a debut. The concept of the comic is great. The idea of Superman thinking he’s been gone for decades and returning home to find things hasn’t changed is a solid idea. But, the characters feel really off. It’s like they’ve been replaced with body doubles. The only one that feels right is Lois. Maybe there’s an explanation for all of that but as a beginning, it’s a bit of a headscratcher.

Story: Priest, Carlo Pagulayan Art: Carlo Pagulayan
Ink: Jason Paz Color: Jeromy Cox Letterer: Willie Schubert
Story: 7.25 Art: 8.0 Overall: 7.75 Recommendation: Read

DC Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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