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HomeComic BooksImmoral X-Men #2 delivers the hero in Sinister we deserve

Immoral X-Men #2 delivers the hero in Sinister we deserve

Immoral X-Men #2

Hail the Pax Krakoa! Or perish! But to this hell age is born a hero. Say hello (again) to Rasputin IV…but what can one good chimera do in a universe of sin? The first century of Sinister’s plan has come to an end…and whether it’s better or worse may depend on the symbol on your forehead. Immoral X-Men #2 delivers a wild ride of an issue full of betrayal and (H)hope.

Told mainly from the perspective of Hope, Immoral X-Men #2 takes place 100 years after “Sins of Sinister” launched. The X-Men are waging war on a galactic scale crushing enemies with chimera bombs, wiping out all dissent. It’s the type of horrors that they experienced themselves on a grand scale. “Sins of Sinister” is a story about plans out of control and this is the perfect example of exactly that.

Writer Kieron Gillen delivers an intriguing issue that might be one of the best of the bunch. It stays focused on the issues that have spawned out of Sinister’s plans, and lays out the regret Sinister has for it all. And, it delivers a little hope that we might have a hero(es) who will correct the past, literally.

And that’s adds a little more depth to this event which spins the fractured, broken, twisted, apocalyptic future. Usually the individual who has caused the splinter in time is resolute and sure in their rule. Here, we have a villain that sees their mistake and flaw. And, they might want to correct it. Something we desperately need in the real world.

But the issue gets more intriguing as the cracks are shown within the out of control Quiet Council leadership, hinting at the ever growing chaos to come regarding their vision and direction for their people and world.

The art by Andrea Di Vito is solid giving us a sci-fi world that’s dark but light at the same time. There’s a cloud that hangs over everything but avoids the gloom of so many broken future storylines. With color by Jim Charalampidis and lettering by Clayton Cowles, the comic delivers a world that is slightly twisted and horrifying in many ways. There’s also the cool flash and concepts as we get to see Sinister’s work of the twisted mutants of the future he’s molded and grown.

Immoral X-Men #2 is an interesting issue. It doesn’t feel so much like a sliver of a greater story but a story itself. It shows off the potential of this event which started strong but turned bumpy in its structuring. Unfortunately, the next issue jumps ahead in time leaving us to put pieces together as to what happened between issues. And that’s the thing about “Sins of Sinister” and this particular issue. Unlike others, where we have to spend so much time guessing what has happened, this focuses on what is happening and where things go next. Like the story overall, it shows not what was, but what can be.

Story: Kieron Gillen Art: Andrea Di Vito
Color: Jim Charalampidis Letterer: Clayton Cowles Design: Jay Bowen
Story: 8.3 Art: 8.2 Overall: 8.25 Recommendation: Buy

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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