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HomeComic BooksDarkwing Duck #3 continues the adventure in… domestic bliss!?

Darkwing Duck #3 continues the adventure in… domestic bliss!?

Darkwing Duck #3

Darkwing Duck…retired?! Darkwing Duck #3 has mild-mannered Drake Mallard has had a crisis of conscience, and decides to hang up his cape and cowl in order to be a good dad to daughter Goslyn. But non-superhero life is not an easy thing for Drake to slip into especially since he’s convinced the conniving Morgana to settle down with him into (boring) suburban living!

Yes, as many of the original viewers of Darkwing Duck are, or have, settled down in their life, DW is doing the same hanging up his cape to focus on raising his daughter. Writer Amanda Deibert has tapped into what so many stories seem to be focusing on, that moment when you realize those wild times are, or should be, over and focus on settling down. Or should you? Those who watched the original show are likely in their 30s and 40s now, raising their on Goslyn and both looking back and looking forward, making Darkwing Duck #3 an issue that hits home in a way.

We all know the retirement won’t last long. Deibert hints at that as a villain slowly attacks the gardeners of the town. Darkwing is sure to suit up again to do battle and will once again be getting dangerous.

The art by Carlo Lauro continues to be great. Along with letterer Jeff Eckleberry, the comic looks like the cartoon and the issue is fun taking us into more of the domestic life of Darkwing. There’s something about a comic that has minimal action and still pulls off the fun nostalgia. Like the show itself, the visuals help hit home with the jokes playing off characters like Morgana and those that hang around her.

Darkwing Duck #3 is another fantastic issue that feels like it naturally fits into a show that aired 3 decades ago. It’s like no time has passed but at the same time the stories connect with that original audience and are entertaining for a new one. Getting dangerous has settled a bit for making breakfast in this issue, but with flair, and it still is an entertaining and fun read.

Story: Amanda Deibert Art: Carlo Lauro
Color: Carlo Lauro Letterer: Jeff Eckleberry
Story: 8.25 Art: 8.25 Overall: 8.25 Recommendation: Buy

Dynamite Entertainment provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: TFAWZeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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