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HomeComic BooksDeadfellows #1 finds humor in dark places

Deadfellows #1 finds humor in dark places

Deadfellows #1

Deadfellows #1 is a dark debut. It focuses on death and features numerous attempts at suicide, so a bit of a warning about that to start. Pete Miller has just gotten out of his two-year relationship, reeling from the chaos of it all without friends or family around. As he moves into his new awful, one-bedroom apartment Pete attempts to take his own life, but is stopped by a benevolent ghost. Moved by the kindness of this supernatural stranger, Pete sets out to bond with this ghost at all costs—but he quickly learns he doesn’t understand the paranormal or their intentions.

Written by Kody Hamilton, Deadfellows #1 is a dark and twisted debut. It’s not until the end that it’s clear where the series is going and how “off” (in a good way) the comic is.

In this debut issue, Kody introduces us to Pete and generally, we’re left disliking Pete. He’s not nice to his friends, a bit of a sad sack, there’s just an aspect about him where you do and don’t have sympathy. Then Pete tries to kill himself and the comic begins a direction before eventually challenging what we think might be going on.

While Pete might be alone, he’s not really alone in his new apartment. There’s at least three ghosts haunting the place and they don’t want to see him kill himself. The act of benevolence is something else entirely by the end of the comic turning this rather depressing comic into a potential war of apartment-mates. There’s something here in what is a very very dark comedy.

The art by Ramiro Borallo keeps things on the comedic side of things. Joined by Dave Lanphear on lettering, the style of the comic veers away from horror and instead keeps things a little lite. Even in depictions of suicide, there’s humor found. As Pete moves into his new home, he’s clearly planning his exit and when he attempts to do so, things go very wrong. The art could easily have gone in a dark direction delivering a very different tone for this debut. But as is, the comic goes from depressing to wtf.

And wtf is a great way to describe Deadfellows #1. There’s a twisted aspect to it that’ll leave you wanting to laugh but not sure if you should.

Story: Kody Hamilton Art: Ramiro Borrallo
Color: Ramiro Borrallo Letterer: Dave Lanphear
Story: 7.5 Art: 7.5 Overall: 7.5 Recommendation: Read

Scout Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicsAmazonScout Comics

Source: Graphic Policy

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