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HomeComic BooksSuperman #1 goes Batman Inc.!?

Superman #1 goes Batman Inc.!?

Superman #1

The “Dawn of DC” is here with new starts, new directions, and new creative teams. Superman #1 feels like it’s all of that. Now back in Metrpolis, Superman’s identity is again a secret and Lex Luthor is behind bars. Things are looking good for the Man of Steel but something is in the shadows and Luthor thinks he can help.

Written by Joshua Williamson, Superman #1 delivers a lot of new aspects to Superman including a Luthor that wants to help?! Even behind bars, Williamson has Luthor on Supe’s mind, delivering advice and Supercorp?! Yes, Lexcorp is now Supercorp and gifted to Superman to use its technology and staff to better Metropolis, the world, and stop whatever is waiting in the wings.

It’s an interesting direction for the character whose family has grown in recent years, it potentially expands the cast pulling the focus away in some ways. It’s a concept that has Superman figuring out just how much he wants to rely on others. But, that’s not the only change in status quo. Lois is new in charge of the Daily Planet, a position she’s not all too comfortable with. It all sets up a comic that’s as much exciting action as it is drama.

And that drama is beautifully rendered by Jamal Campbell. The visuals are amazing, the colors pop, it’s a comic that looks as much fun as the story actually is. Campbll is one of my favorite artists and the comic plays off of Campbell’s strengths. There’s a certain aspect to the art that emphasizes the optimism Superman represents by Campbell also delivers subtle moments of frustration and even anger as the Man of Steel must deal with his new reality. Ariana Maher‘s lettering is also a lot of fun dropping in Luthor’s thoughts and advice as Superman does his thing.

Superman #1 is a lot of fun that throws in a lot of new aspects for readers. It delivers the positive flavor one would expect from the series delivering action as well as the heart in the middle of it all. A super start for Superman.

Story: Joshua Williamson Art: Jamal Campbell Letterer: Ariana Maher
Story: 8.5 Art: 9.5 Overall: 8.65 Recommendation: Buy

DC Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: TFAWZeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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