Monday, March 3, 2025
HomeComic BooksDarkwing Duck #2 keeps the jokes quacking

Darkwing Duck #2 keeps the jokes quacking

Darkwing Duck #2

Growing up, Darkwing Duck was one of my favorite cartoons. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the wave of Disney cartoons in the 90s but the series stood out to me. I was thrilled with the debut issue which captured the feel of the cartoon, with slight updates like cell phones. It felt like no time had passed at all. Darkwing Duck #2 continues the fun and adds a bit of an interesting wrinkle with what appears to be an ongoing narrative, not just episodic fun.

Written by Amanda Deibert, the issue has the crew going to a toy story when Quackerjack strikes! There’s not really a reason for the attack, but it gives more than enough material for lots of puns, goofy silliness, and dangerous action! It’s a classic Darkwing Duck story, Gos gets in danger and tries to help, Launchpad is worthless, and Darkwing somehow wins the day… with lots of laughs. But, in Darkwing Duck #2 Deibert seems to be setting up a bit of a longer narrative as Darkwing must decide what he wants to do, be a hero or a father. Which all comes down to a shocking conclusion!

To be continued…!?

It’s a fun issue and Quackerjack is one of a Darkwing’s rogues that stands out, really they all stand out. You quickly ignore the lack of reason for the attack and just go with the flow as it’s all about the trio of Darkwing, Gos, and Launchpad, and what that sets up. Go with the flow and enjoy the rubber duckies!

The issue looks great with art by Carlo Lauro and lettering by Jeff Eckleberry. The series has captured the look of the cartoon perfectly, there’s no deviation from the animated series. What’s solid is there’s also a capture of the flow of the action as weapons are fired and lots of rather silly moments take place. You can imagine how it’d play out of the screen as the panels guide you through the movement and action.

Darkwing Duck #2 is another fun issue that’ll leave readers excited to pick up the next one to see where the team takes the series. It’s not just a villain of the week story, there looks to be a bit of an ongoing narrative as well which can take the series and characters to the next level. Much like the debut, this is a solid story that captures the classic cartoon.

Story: Amanda Deibert Art: Carlo Lauro
Color: Carlo Lauro Letterer: Jeff Eckleberry
Story: 8.5 Art: 8.5 Overall: 8.5 Recommendation: Buy

Dynamite Entertainment provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: TFAWZeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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