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Comfey Moves Overview | Pokémon UNITE
Comfey is the newest Supporter to join Pokémon UNITE! Take a look at how Comfey’s skills work on the battlefield, and share your own tips and tricks in the comments!
Make the competition Sweet Kiss their chances of winning good-bye with Comfey’s powerful Floral Healing.
Comfey picks posies as it frolics its way onto Aeos Island as Pokémon UNITE’s latest Ranged Supporter. With the Ability to attach to ally Pokémon and use stored flowers to empower its support moves, the Posy Picker Pokémon is poised to keep its teammates from falling down. You can obtain Comfey for 12,000 Aeos coins or 575 Aeos gems at the Unite Battle Committee shop. Comfey will only be obtainable with Aeos gems for the first seven days of its release.
Read on to learn more about everything this Pokémon has to offer and to pick up a few tips before frolicking across Aeos Island.
Comfey’s Triage Ability centers around collecting flowers. Comfey gains one flower whenever a set amount of time passes, and it gains four flowers when it enters tall grass. Comfey can have a maximum of eight flowers at a time. When Comfey uses Synthesis, Floral Healing, or Sweet Kiss, all flowers attached to it are consumed, and the effects of those moves are boosted. Also, Comfey’s movement speed increases when near an ally Pokémon at half remaining HP or less.
Comfey can attach itself to an ally Pokémon when it uses Synthesis, Floral Healing, or Sweet Kiss. While attached, Comfey is not affected by attacks, and it gradually recovers HP. Comfey can remain attached to an ally Pokémon until that Pokémon is knocked out or until Comfey uses Release. When the ally Pokémon that Comfey is attached to gains more Aeos energy than the maximum it can hold, Comfey takes the excess. When the ally Pokémon that Comfey is attached to scores a goal, Comfey scores with the same amount of energy.
Comfey’s basic attack becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing damage and giving Comfey two flowers.
When Comfey is not attached to an ally Pokémon, it attaches itself to the designated ally Pokémon and grants it a shield. When Comfey is attached to an ally Pokémon, it restores that ally Pokémon’s HP. The more flowers that are consumed, the more HP that is restored. If Comfey releases, it will stop being attached and move in the designated direction.
Vine Whip
Comfey strikes out with whiplike vines in front of itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and decreasing their movement speed for a short time.
Floral Healing
When Comfey is not attached to an ally Pokémon, it attaches itself to the designated ally Pokémon and grants it a shield. When Comfey is attached to an ally Pokémon, it restores that ally Pokémon’s HP. The more flowers that are consumed, the more HP that is restored. Any HP restored in excess of the ally Pokémon’s maximum is converted into a shield. If Comfey releases, it will stop being attached and move in the designated direction. Floral Healing can be upgraded to increase the movement speed of the ally Pokémon that Comfey is attached to for a short time.
Sweet Kiss
When Comfey is not attached to an ally Pokémon, it attaches itself to the designated ally Pokémon and grants it a shield. When Comfey is attached to an ally Pokémon, it charges power before making opposing Pokémon in the area of effect infatuated. Infatuated Pokémon approach Comfey against their will. The longer power is charged, the larger the area of effect; and the more flowers that are consumed, the longer Pokémon are infatuated. If Comfey releases, it will stop being attached and move in the designated direction. Sweet Kiss can be upgraded to increase the movement speed of the ally Pokémon that Comfey is attached to while Comfey is charging.
Magical Leaf
Comfey launches three curious, scattering leaves each second for a set amount of time. The leaves target opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and deal damage when they hit. These leaves can even deal damage to opposing Pokémon hiding in tall grass. If the same opposing Pokémon is damaged six times by these leaves, that Pokémon will be left unable to act. If this move is used when Comfey is attached to an ally Pokémon, its area of effect is increased. Magical Leaf can be upgraded to increase the number of leaves launched each second from three to four.
Grass Knot
Comfey unleashes vines in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits and leaving them unable to move. This move can hit up to two opposing Pokémon. If it hits two opposing Pokémon, it pulls the second to the first’s location and deals additional damage to both. Grass Knot can be upgraded to increase its area of effect.
Comfey creates a large area of tall grass around itself. Pokémon in this tall grass cannot be seen, just as with other tall grass on the map. If ally Pokémon enter this tall grass, they will continually recover HP as long as they’re in it. Comfey gains special flowers from this tall grass. Consuming these special flowers boosts Floral Healing and Sweet Kiss.
Comfey joins Pokémon UNITE as the first Pokémon that can remain invulnerable to damage for an extended amount of time—and it can continually support its allies while doing so! Floral Healing allows Comfey to attach itself to an ally Pokémon and heal it while also safely dealing damage and locking down opposing Pokémon with Magical Leaf or Grass Knot. With a more offensive focus, Comfey can use Sweet Kiss instead of Floral Healing to attach itself to an ally Pokémon and infatuate opposing Pokémon, making them easy pickings for the team’s carries.
Comfey is best at supporting Pokémon that benefit from the extra durability provided by Floral Healing and the extra hindrances provided by Sweet Kiss, Magical Leaf, and Grass Knot. A build focused on Floral Healing and Grass Knot is strong when Comfey is attached to strong Ranged Attackers like Cinderace and Dragapult. Floral Healing keeps these Pokémon healthy, while Grass Knot can stop aggressive Speedsters, like Absol or Zoroark, in their tracks.
This build is also strong when Comfey is attached to those very Speedsters, since they often lack durability and will benefit from the extra lockdown provided by Grass Knot. Comfey can also opt for Sweet Kiss over Floral Healing in cases where the Comfey is more likely to attach itself to bulky Defenders, like Snorlax, Slowbro, or Trevenant. These Pokémon require less healing and can take advantage of the extra hindrances from Comfey choosing Sweet Kiss and Magical Leaf or Grass Knot as its moves.
Comfey Character Spotlight | Pokémon UNITE
Comfey uses flora to help fauna! Check out the newest Ranged Supporter when it joins Pokémon UNITE on February 2!
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Source: Official Pokémon UNITE website and Pokemon.com
Source: Pokemon