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HomeComic BooksStorm & the Brotherhood of Mutants #1 sets up the resistance and...

Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants #1 sets up the resistance and betrayal

Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants #1

Ten years from now, Mars has been destroyed – and now Storm wants revenge! Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants #1 is the first series to launch out of “Sins of Sinister,” focused on Storm and her resistance to the nightmare world.

Written by Al Ewing, the debut issue is an interesting one. It does a dance balancing the various needs it must fill and all together it does a great job of spotlighting each aspect.

Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants #1 introduces the world of “Sins of Sinister” catching up readers who might not have read the event’s debut issue. It does that quite well delivering the info that’s needed and catching up readers. It also fills in some of the history and background for those who have already read that debut even issue as well. Ewing does an excellent job of making it more than a simple repeat of what we already know, there’s more information that further fleshes out the story.

The issue itself then delivers action with twists and turns that not only drive home Storm’s mission but adds in massive new wrinkles to the story itself. If Sinister’s trick is discovered, will everyone want things to change and be “fixed”?

Paco Medina‘s art is solid with an interesting shift as it’s narrative changes. With color by Jay David Ramos and lettering by Ariana Maher, the issue goes from one of recounting history to telling the action in the present. Each narrative section has a slightly different feel as if one is a story being told and the other is a story as its acting out. It’s subtle but also fits how the issue is told quite well.

Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants #1 is a good piece of the puzzle overall. While it doesn’t totally stand on its own, the issue presents an event that’s not quite as straightforward as a bad guy and those fighting against him. It adds yet another layer to the already complicated mess that was revealed in Sins of Sinister #1. As a part of the overall narrative, it’s a solid addition.

Story: Al Ewing Art: Paco Medina
Color: Jay David Ramos Letterer: Ariana Maher
Story: 7.75 Art: 8.15 Overall: 7.95 Recommendation: Buy

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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