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HomeComic BooksSpy Superb #2 ups the action and comedy in this spy thriller

Spy Superb #2 ups the action and comedy in this spy thriller

Spy Superb #2

The Spy Superb is a useful idiot. An average person recruited to be the ultimate spy and carry out a mission, which they might not know about. The latest is a failed writer, full of himself, and narcissistic. It’s a combination that makes the character not just a useful idiot but just a plain irritant too. Spy Superb #2 ups the action as China and Russia want to capture the Spy Superb for their own reasons.

Written by and art by Matt Kindt, Spy Superb #2 continues the comedy spy action as Jay must deal with the fact there’s a dead hit squad in his apartment. He’s decided to seek out the woman on the phone he has while not understanding what’s going on around him. At the same time, Russia and China are convinced there’s a new Spy Superb who must be stopped and each dispatches a top agent to bring him in.

All of this is done with a wink and a smile as Kindt continues to deliver a comic that’s part love letter to spy action but also a bit of a spoof of the genre as well. It does a great job of mixing up the action but also having fun with it all. Jay is an idiot. He both thinks he’s amazing, displaying his not deserved confidence on his adventure. At the same time, those around him are unsure of what they’re dealing with. Is this the greatest spy ever or a complete moron?

This is a genre we’ve seen before many times but it’s done here with such fun delivery it’s hard to not enjoy the ride. We want to see Jay get slapped in reality but at the same time, how he’ll get out of the situation is a fun puzzle to sit back and enjoy.

Kindt’s art is his signature style with color by Sharlene Kindt. The comic has the watercolor like look the Kindt comics are known for and each character has such personality in their depiction. There’s an awkwardness in everyone here but like the over the top situations, there’s a fun aspect to it all.

Spy Superb #2 in the end is action comedy and it does it so well. You can see the comic play out as if it were on the screen with a great delivery of the lines and exasperation of so many of the characters as they get dragged into Jay’s adventure. It’s popcorn fun in comic form and a ride I want to sit back and enjoy.

Story: Matt Kindt Art: Matt Kindt
Color: Sharlene Kindt Letterer: Matt Kindt
Story: 8.5 Art: 8.5 Overall: 8.5 Recommendation: Buy

Dark Horse provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: TFAW Zeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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