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HomeComic BooksBatman #132 continues Bruce’s “what if” adventure

Batman #132 continues Bruce’s “what if” adventure

Batman #132

Batman #131 kicked off the latest story arc where Bruce/Batman was transported to another Earth and Gotham where Batman doesn’t exist. The city is walled off, a fascist nightmare where the police are jacked up on Venom and Arkham Asylum seems to run the place. Batman #132 continues that direction as Bruce attempts to get his bearings, get home, and overall decide what to do. It’s that last part that feels a bit odd overall in an arc that so far is rather meh.

Written by Chip Zdarsky, Batman #132 delivers an interesting Gotham where the entire city feels like it’s part of Arkham in some ways. The most minor infraction will have you picked up by the police who themselves are juiced up and out of their minds. That concept of the entire city corrupted in this way is an interesting direction in theme, it extends and literally builds walls around the main Gotham which can be debated has similar problems. This alternative Gotham is the one we know on Venom. And that’s partially what’s odd about the issue and arc. Bruce is having a lot of issues getting his bearings and in some cases stepped in to right wrongs but this issue feels like a drawn out “origin”. By the end it’s clear before he leaves Bruce will don a mask as this world’s version of Batman and attempt to topple those who oppress. But, that means he made a decision and isn’t driven by justice like it feels like he should be. Why was there even a moment of decision here at all? It just doesn’t feel quite in character for him to see this injustice and just want to peace out and get home without helping first.

The issue also falls into a “villain reveal” issue as it progresses. More and more familiar characters are added with little explanation as to why they have shown up, making the cameos feel a little odd and jarring. They feel thrown in for the hell of it as opposed to really driving the story. It’s a distraction that’s not needed to drive the story.

The art by Mike Hawthorne is good. Joined by Adriano Di Benedeotto on ink, color by Tomeu Morey, and lettering by Clayton Cowles the world feels like a twisted version of the Gotham we know. It’s not so over the top to feel distracting, instead the team has gone with one that feels like it’s out of a bad dream. Slightly different, slightly horrific. The anticipation really is what this world’s Batman will look like and based on what Hawthorne and the team have shown so far, the designs for all of the heroes to come should be intriguing.

The issue continues its backup story as Robin and Superman (the Jon version) attempt to find Bruce. This has them dealing with Toyman whose weapon may be a key to finding where Bruce was sent. It’s all an interesting aspect to the main story and its strength is its heart. Written by Zdarsky with art by Miguel Mendonca, color by Roman Stevens, and lettering by Cowles, it’s Tim Drake’s quieter moments with his boyfriend that stand out.

Batman #132 isn’t a bad issue and the arc so far is ok. It feels a bit like a filler arc until the next big story. There’s a lot here that could be interesting but it doesn’t totally commit to its underlying themes that would make it truly stand out. Hopefully, this is one whose whole is stronger than its individual parts.

Story: Chip Zdarsky Art: Mike Hawthorne, Miguel Mendonca
Ink: Adriano Di Benedetto Color: Tomeu Morey, Roman Stevens Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Story: 7.0 Art: 7.75 Overall: 7.0 Recommendation: Read

DC Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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